b'It was no small feat to ensure the MACs moreto maintain their overall wellbeing during the than 600 employees had the information theyprotracted pandemic. needed to protect themselves while working atWhile the portal and managers communicated seven MAC airports as well as at home.day-to-day changes occurring due to the To ensure employees had access to thatpandemic, weekly communication from senior information, whether they were working onsiteleaders helped employees stay informed or remotely, a COVID-19 Employee Responseabout the ever-changing aviation industry portal was established. This portal was to be alandscape and provided a steady, unifying vital link for employees not only to receive voice in a time of great uncertainty. up-to-date information, but also to guide efforts Specific policies and strategies implemented to helpprotect MAC employees: A requirement to wear face coverings Mandated weekly COVID-19 tests for while onsite. many on-site personnel. Daily temperature checks and a Signs in workspaces reminding self-assessment checklist usedemployees to wear a face covering, by employees to monitor possiblephysically distance themselves from COVID-19 symptoms before reporting toothers, and wash their hands frequently.work onsite.Enhanced vehicle, equipment andLimits on the number of people allowedworkplace cleaning protocols.to meet in person at one time and The addition of HEPA filters in bunk guidance on how to do so safely. rooms for maintenance and fireScheduled shift workers so the samepersonnel who stay overnight during people always work together and aresnow events or who work 24-hour shifts.separated from other groups, providing Changes to the MACs leave of absence easier contact tracing should someonepolicy to ensure employees could take fall ill and inhibiting the ability of time off for COVID-19 related issues an outbreak to interfere with without losing certain paid-time-off essential activities. benefits they had already earned.7 8'