About the MAC/Board members/Senior leadership team
The Minnesota Legislature created the MAC in 1943 to promote the efficient, safe handling of air commerce and to develop the full potential of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area as an aviation center.
As a public corporation of the state, the MAC generates the revenues it needs to operate through rents and user fees, not general tax appropriations. The bonding and financing authority — along with MAC-generated cash and state and federal aviation grants and fees — fund capital investments at MSP as well as the MAC’s six general aviation airports located around the Twin Cities.
The MAC is committed to a sustainable future and has set a series of ambitious goals for 2030. To support that work, the MAC has built organizational structures and external partnerships that encourage and advance sustainability measures.
The organization is governed by a 15-member policy board. The MAC board establishes policies and ordinances and provides financial oversight, including approving budgets and large expenditures.

Minnesota’s governor appoints the board chair and 12 commissioners, with eight members representing metropolitan districts and four representing Greater Minnesota. The mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul are commissioners but may appoint a representative to serve in their place. The chair and mayoral appointees serve at the will of the elected officials who appoint them. All other commissioners serve staggered four-year terms, providing continuity when administrations change.
Notable Actions the Board Took in 2024
The board approved the 2040 Long-Term Plan for MSP. The plan outlines potential projects to improve the terminals, parking facilities and airfield to accommodate passenger growth and other changes in aviation activity over the next two decades.
The board approved an updated rental and fee schedule for tenants and users of the MAC’s general aviation airports after thorough engagement with stakeholders. This revised fee schedule addresses topics such as ground rent for aircraft storage and commercial tenants, fuel fees, and various administrative expenses. The new rental schedule took effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
The board approved the first two strategic partnerships at the MAC — one with Pentair to add 10 new HOPE Hydration Hydrostations in the terminals and one with Fraser and its naming partner, Central Roofing Company, to create the airport’s first sensory rooms to reduce stress and sensory overload for passengers with sensory sensitivities.
The board approved the 2025-2031 Capital Improvement Program, including $1.8 billion in investments to ensure MAC facilities keep pace with increasing demand and provide exceptional airport experiences for travelers.