
Our Sustainability Commitment
In early 2020 the MAC adopted 2030 sustainability goals and pledged to reduce its emissions and water use, divert more of its waste stream by either consuming less or reusing, recycling or composting what is used, and increase employee engagement and understanding of sustainability.
Guided by an internal Executive Sustainability Committee, the MAC looks – as it has throughout its history – to the expertise and ingenuity of its employees and advancements in relevant industries for solutions that lead to success.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): Going Eco at the Highest Level
Coming in for a landing: new, more sustainable fuel! MSP is playing a key role in the Minnesota SAF Hub, a partnership of corporate, government and regional institutions to speed the creation and use of sustainable, low-carbon air fuel to replace conventional jet fuel. Together, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions dramatically and raise the planet-friendliness of each flight you take.
Learn more here.