Real Estate

Develop with the MAC

The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) offers non-aeronautical land development opportunities at its six Reliever Airports in the Twin Cities region, and parcels located on the perimeter and in cargo-handling areas of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

The parcels available for development offer possibilities for a variety of business types including hospitality, restaurants, retail, professional services, light industrial and manufacturing. The sites create leasing and development opportunities for businesses that benefit from a location adjacent to an airport, and access to the affluent business and consumer markets that surround those areas. 

Airlake Airport

Airlake Airport is located in Lakeville, Minn., a southern suburb of the Twin Cities. The airport has easy access to Interstate 35 and Cedar Avenue. 

See Airlake Airport Development Data Hangar Leasing Information

Anoka County-Blaine Airport

Anoka County-Blaine Airport is located in a richly developed and still-growing area of the Twin Cities. There are 8 parcels available at the airport, which is a major draw for general aviation traffic, including fly-ins during the annual 3M Open, a stop on the PGA Tour.

See Anoka County-Blaine Development Data Hangar Leasing Information Consultant's Brochure on Parcel 65

Crystal Airport

Crystal Airport is conveniently located in a first-tier suburb that's seven miles from downtown Minneapolis. The available parcels are located along 63rd Ave. N. 

See Crystal Airport's Development Data Hangar Leasing Information

Flying Cloud Airport

Flying Cloud Airport is located in Eden Prairie, a suburb in the heart of the southwest metro and a hub of commercial activity. There are four available sites on the airport's perimeter awaiting your development.

See Development Data about Flying Cloud Hangar Leasing Information

Lake Elmo Airport

The Lake Elmo Airport sits 11 miles northeast of downtown St. Paul, just five miles from Stillwater and the beautiful St. Croix River Valley. Two large parcels, sized at 23 and 51 acres, are available.

See Lake Elmo Airport's Development Data Hangar Leasing Information

MSP Int'l Airport

Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is equidistant to both downtowns -- 8 miles away -- and is the 17th busiest U.S. airport by passenger traffic. The airport has numerous development sites of assorted sizes, all in the heart of the vibrant metro area.

See MSP Development Data Hangar Leasing Information

St. Paul Downtown Airport

The St. Paul Downtown Airport is conveniently located across the Mississippi River from downtown, with easy access to Interstate 94 and other main arteries. The airport is a hub of corporate aviation activity. 

See St. Paul Downtown Airport sites Hangar Leasing Information

Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area Demographics

Unemployment rate
Median Income
Fortune 500 Companies
Population Growth Rate
B.A. Degree Attainment Rate

Success Story: Now Boarding's business model gets a reboot

Launching a new business during a pandemic comes with uncertainty.

But by early 2021, Adam Jennings felt he had worked out a solid agreement to re-open a former pet boarding facility on land that’s part of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

Jennings, a dog lover who has a background in finance, had always been fascinated with the pet boarding business. And the location of Now Boarding, on the MSP campus and close to both terminals, caught his eye.

 “I knew there was a lot of risk involved,” said Jennings, the new owner of Now Boarding. “I did my due diligence. Everybody involved was a good partner to work with.”

A year-and-a-half later, his plan to bring back Now Boarding’s business has proven prescient.

(Click the link below to read the full story.)

Now Boarding's story

Connected to Business Centers Globally

Locating your business in the Twin Cities provides access to 17 commercial airlines, with non-stop service to destinations in North America and to key international cities with convenient connections. 

See a list of all of MSP International Airport's direct routes.