Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Introduction and Scope

Thank you for reviewing the Metropolitan Airports Commission (“MAC”) Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (“Policy”). MAC is sensitive to the issues presented by the interplay between obligations of governmental transparency, the functionality and efficiency of public services, and expectations of privacy in online interactions. MAC is committed to addressing these issues across our range of websites, applications, products, solutions, and services (collectively, our "Services") with the goal of accurately describing the rights of users and the obligations of MAC.

This Policy applies to visitors and users of Services that link to this Policy. Some of these Services may adopt different statements or notices that supplement this Policy, to better fit interactions related to those Services. If a Service has its own statement or a supplementary notice, the provisions of that statement or supplementary notice will take priority to the extent they conflict with this Policy.

By clicking the Accept button, you express your understanding of, and agreement with, the provisions of this Policy. Please note, that clicking the Accept button constitutes prior informed consent to the collection and dissemination of data as described in the Policy and constitutes an “opt-in” to the activities governed by this Policy. Finally, by clicking the Accept button, or by proceeding to utilize the Services, you affirm that you are older than thirteen (13) years of age.

Privacy Policy

Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) Notice

As a public corporation of the State of Minnesota, the collection, creation, storage, maintenance, dissemination of MAC’s data, and access to the same, is governed by the MGDPA, which presumes that government data are accessible to the public, unless public access is specifically prohibited by law. As a result of the MGDPA, please understand that any information you provide to MAC through this Service might be available to the public upon request. Additionally, MAC may release private data concerning you, with your informed consent, as described below Tennessen Warning & Consent to Release of Information.

Electronic Access Data

By utilizing this Service, MAC’s servers will log certain information concerning your visit (“Electronic Access Data”). MAC uses Electronic Access Data for site management functions. Please be aware that MAC also uses Electronic Access Data for statistical analyses and for investigating potential cyber-security incidents. When you utilize this Service, our server logs automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  • The Internet Protocol Address and domain name used (The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer. We use the Internet Protocol Address to direct Internet traffic to you.); and
  • Session information including database error logs and webform submissions.

Electronic Access Data can be shared and disseminated as described below Tennessen Warning & Consent to Release of Information.

Cookies & Cookie-Derived Data


Please be informed that this Service uses “cookies” (data stored on the computer you use, which can later be retrieved by our web server).

Types of Cookies

These cookies come in two types. MAC uses “session cookies,” which disappear when you close your browser. MAC also uses “persistent cookies,” which have set expiration dates, but which remain after the close of a browser session. Both types of cookies can be created and deployed by MAC, or by MAC’s technical partners contracted to assist in providing you the Services or to assist MAC in analyzing and improving the Services.

Uses of Cookies & Cookie-Derived Data

MAC uses cookies, and cookie-derived data (hereinafter “cookies”), to customize and personalize information for you, as well as to manage network traffic and to facilitate and protect transactions. In addition, MAC uses cookies to generate statistical data (relating to user’s interaction and engagement with the Services, and the sites used to refer users to the Services), the analysis of which assists MAC in facilitating use of the Services and in developing better features that improve the user’s experience. MAC uses cookies to collect information related to your network, as well as your device’s systems and functions, which helps MAC to optimize its Services for users. Finally, MAC uses cookies available through Google Analytics Advertising Features, including the Demographics and Interests features, which allow MAC to develop and implement data-driven strategies to market organizations and services associated with MAC.

Sharing & Dissemination

Cookies can be shared and disseminated as described below Tennessen Warning & Consent to Release of Information.


MAC’s installation of persistent cookies requires your affirmative consent. Should you choose to not click the Accept button, MAC will not install persistent cookies associated with this Service on your computer.

If you are interested in preventing cookies being placed on your computer, you can disable them using your web browser. Instructions for disabling or opting out of cookies in the most popular browsers are located at Please note that by opting out of cookies, you will disable cookies from all sources, not just from this Service.

If you wish to opt-out of providing usage data to Google, go to Google's Opt-out Browser Add-on (


Tennessen Warning & Consent to Release of Information

By virtue of your use of the Services, MAC will collect, maintain, and disseminate data regarding you that may be classified by the MGDPA as “private” or “nonpublic.” These data will be collected in accordance with the terms of this Policy. You are not legally required to provide information to MAC and may refuse to do so. If you refuse to accept the Terms of this Policy, your access to the Services will not be impeded, however, certain functions designed to improve your utilization of the Services may not be available.

Your private or nonpublic data will not be used in any manner that is not described in this Policy.

MAC may disseminate this information. MAC may disseminate this information to individuals and entities whose access is specifically authorized by state, local, or federal law, or by court order. MAC may also disseminate these data to its partners contracted to promote, analyze, develop, administer, and operate the Services. 

By clicking the Accept button, you attest that you understand this warning. You further authorize MAC to use and disseminate this information as described in this Policy.  You express your understanding that, although MAC may classify this information as private or nonpublic, you nonetheless authorize its use and dissemination as described in this Policy.

Children’s Privacy

The Services are not targeted towards use by children. You must be thirteen (13) years or older to access the Services. Due to the intended age demographic and age restrictions for use of these Services, no data obtained by the Services fall within the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and are not monitored as doing so.

Terms of Use

By utilizing the Services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The terms of this Policy listed below apply to all users of the Services, including those users who choose to access the Services without clicking the Accept button.

Accuracy, Completeness, & Timeliness of Information

Although MAC is concerned with providing helpful and correct information to users, we make no guarantee that the information made available through the Services is accurate, complete, or current. MAC provides material through the Services for general information only and this information should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions. Your reliance on the material made available through the Services is at your own risk.

MAC reserves the right to modify the content provided through the Services at any time and without prior notice. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor for content changes.

If you observe general information provided by the Services that you believe to be inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date, feel free to reach out to MAC at and let us know of the error.

If you observe information concerning yourself that you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete, feel free to reach out to MAC at Please ask that your communication be directed to MAC’s Responsible Authority. In your communication, please describe the nature of the perceived inaccuracy or deficiency. 

Disclaimer of Warranties

Use of the Services is at the user's sole risk. MAC does not warrant that access to the Services, or any content, will be uninterrupted. MAC makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of, or reliance on, the data provided through the Services, regardless of its format or means of transmission. There are no guarantees or representations to the user as to the accuracy, currency, completeness, suitability, or reliability of the data provided through the Services, for any purpose. The data published through the Services could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The user accepts the data “as is,” and assumes all risks associated with its use.

MAC assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from, caused by, or associated with the user's reliance on or use of data, use of the Services, or for the delay or inability to use these Services, even if appraised of the likelihood of such damages occurring.

Linking to the Services

Any website can link to the Services. You are welcome and encouraged to link from your website to the Services and you do not have to notify us if you do so.

If you link to the Services, we request that you do not:

  • create frames or capture MAC pages within your frames;
  • use visual altering tools, which would obscure MAC’s identity or authorship of the content;
  • copy PDF files from the Services for posting on another site without permission;
  • pull graphics from the Services site without permission;
  • use MAC trademarks without permission;
  • pull text from the Services without attribution (in order to give proper attribution, please see Citation to These Services); or
  • imply that MAC is endorsing your product or service.

Disclaimer for External Links

Certain content, resources, and services available via our Services may include materials from third-parties.

Third-party links within the Services may direct you to third-party websites that are not affiliated with MAC. MAC is not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy of these websites, and we do not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials or websites, or for any other materials, products, or services of third-parties.

You, the user, agree to assume all risks associated with clicking on third-party links. The existence of links from the Services to other sites does not constitute an endorsement of from the MAC of the content accessible through the links. These links are provided as an information service only. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. Because MAC is not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their contents, you should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster.


MAC is committed to making its website accessible to everyone. As part of that commitment, MAC will make every effort to adhere to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 when adding new material to the website and retroactively modify pages where possible and practical.

If you have a problem accessing content on the Services, please notify MAC at, call at 612-726-5555, or call using your preferred Telecommunications Relay Provider.

For information about accessibility when using these Services, please visit the Web Accessibility page. For information about accessibility at the Airport, please visit the Accessibility page.

Intellectual Property Notice


MAC claims copyright on all intellectual property created by MAC that appears in conjunction with the Services and reserves the right to reproduce, distribute, or display the material, in addition to authorizing others to do so.

Individuals are granted permission to view or print information from the Services for personal use and in accord with their rights to fair use. For commercial uses, including print publications, publication on other websites, or in other formats or media, permission is required. Some of the material on this website may be copyrighted by others. MAC cannot grant permission to use or reproduce material copyrights by others. Contact MAC at for permission to use or reproduce material on this site.

Citation to These Services

©Metropolitan Airports Commission. 2024. “” (online). Accessed October 22, 2024 at
Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55450

©Metropolitan Airports Commission. 2024. “” (online). Accessed October 22, 2024 at
Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55450

©Metropolitan Airports Commission. 2024. “” (online). Accessed October 22, 2024 at
Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55450

©Metropolitan Airports Commission. 2024. “myMSPconnect” (online). Accessed October 22, 2024 at
Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55450

MAC Trademarks

Use of any trademarks or service marks owned by MAC is reserved exclusively to MAC, except as expressly agreed to in writing by MAC. Trademarks and service marks owned by MAC may include word marks and design marks associated with MAC™, MSP™, ePark™, eTrip™, SurePark™, Travel Confidently MSP™, and ZipPass™. Use of trademarks or service marks owned by MAC without prior permission is prohibited. For use permission, contact MAC at

Policy Updates and Effective Date

If MAC makes updates to this Policy, we will update the Policy with the changes and revise the “Last Revised” date posted at the bottom of this Policy. Any updates to the Policy become effective when we post the updates here. To the extent permitted by applicable law, your use of the Services following the update to the Policy means that you accept the updated Policy.


Last Revised: October 28th, 2021