Advancing sustainability
The MAC is committed to a sustainable future, setting goals and creating organizational structures reflecting its commitment to sustainability. In February 2020, the commission unanimously adopted four sustainability goals to achieve by 2030:
- Reduce MSP’s total greenhouse gas emissions by 80%.
- Reduce MSP’s water usage per passenger by 15%.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle or compost 75% of MSP's solid waste.
- Achieve a MAC employee engagement sustainability score of 85.
In 2023, the MAC advanced its sustainability goals through various initiatives, pilot programs and infrastructure planning. The MAC has achieved accreditation through the Airports Carbon Accreditation Program and began collecting the data required to achieve the next level of accreditation. More information is available in the MAC’s first annual sustainability report to the Minnesota Legislature.

Loaves and Fishes
The MAC partners with Loaves and Fishes, a local nonprofit devoted to food recovery for donation to people in need in the region. Over the course of 2023, MSP participants donated 35 tons of food – up from 27 tons in 2022. This is equivalent to 57,750 meals.

MSP waste characterization study
In 2023, the MAC conducted a large-scale waste characterization study to quantify and categorize material in MSP’s waste stream. Findings indicate that 30% of that waste stream has no beneficial outlet. The remaining 70% could be addressed through composting, recycling, alternative management strategies, and reuse or reduction. Using the results of the study and stakeholder engagement feedback, the MAC developed a waste reduction roadmap to achieve its goal of diverting 75% of waste at MSP by 2030.

Expanding sustainable aviation fuel in Minnesota
The MAC is a supporting partner of the Minnesota Sustainable Aviation Fuel Hub. Led by GREATER MSP, the first-of-its-kind coalition includes a prominent roster of corporate, government and regional institutions working on strategies to produce, process and deliver sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Minnesota on a scale that will significantly reduce or replace the use of conventional jet fuel.
SAF is widely recognized by the airline industry as a leading strategy to reduce carbon emissions and can flow through existing pipelines to airline users at MSP. However, production is below the level necessary to meet current and future demand. This project is designed to help stimulate growth in production capacity and is an important part of the MAC’s sustainability goals.

Water reuse
The MAC completed a study to map opportunities for using rainwater from rooftops for irrigation at MSP Terminal 1. By mapping irrigation usage, the project team identified significant reduction strategies to implement immediately, reducing water needed for irrigation by 25% in 2023 compared to 2022.

Sustainability staff highlights
The MAC is advancing sustainability by leveraging the expertise and creativity of employees throughout the organization. Among the 2023 highlights of sustainability initiatives, the MAC coordinated an America Recycles Day campaign at MSP to encourage tenants to reduce single-use plastics and to promote correct recycling practices.