Ordinance 128
Repeal of Various Special Regulations and Ordinances
Section 1. 1 is effective upon the filing ofthis ordinance with the Secretary of State;
Section1.2iseffectiveuponthefinaladoptionofaJointAirportZoningOrdinancebyaJoint AirportZoningBoarddulyestablishedunderMinnesotaStatutes,section360.063,subdivision 3 for the purposeofadopdngairport zoningregulationsaroundthe Crystal Airport;
Section1.3 iseffectiveuponthefinaladoptionofa JointAirportZoningOrdinancebya Joint AirportZoningBoarddulyestablishedunderMinnesotaStatutes,section360.063,subdivision 3 for thepurposeofadoptingairportzoningregulationsaroundtheLakeElmoAirport;
Section 1.4 iseffective upontheeffective dateofsection 1.2 ortheeffective dateofsection 1.3, whicheveris later.
Attachment 1 RqsealedSpecialRegulationsandOrdinances
Attachment 1
Repealed Special Regulations and Ordinances
l.IItniSAPOLXS-SAIK-r PAUL L'2tRO»OLI¥Ay AIRPOHI3 C{E-;4ISSI03 Special Itegulation Ka, 6
Adopted by ths 2^inacKpoli8-6o-'LntPaul Metropolitan A&rpsi'tc Cor.Mos&oii pursy. ant to g 3. 13 of Oyd-inance I?0a 12 of tbs Coaisissiono
.* *
BE IT rESOLVED that tha followlns SD&cial Rsgulation bs scvSi hsr&by 5.8 adopted for fchs contro). of F&i'IAng vrfAhin tho congestsd diG-lrict at libld-Cliair&erlain Field:
. 3?hswest sa.de o£ Airport Service Road north oj? tho e&aterly extension of 62nd Sto Essl; eiid -fchs vres-b sido of Aixkpoi*fc Servi.ce
Road adjacent and to the east of ths Brsjiiff AirUnss parldiig lot is hereby designated for 15 niinute psridngo
FIKSTTOSEE30LVBDthat a?ipsopri?.t® payldng control d.ovi.ceo bo in~ stalled &IOB$ etrc©to, avenues^ roadz'sys, wvl v,'it!x)Ln par-ld-ng Rra&s effected thereby indica-fclng -fchs parking regulation hor&by edopted,
yUEiTMER RSSOLVED thcA tlu-s Specigl Regulation is fo take effect upon oubUcation and filing vd-th ths Sscx'efc&ryof State &s pro-v-JLdsd by 1&V7 and upon installation of appropriate traffic devices as heroin required, &nd thai; this Suecisil RGgiO-ation supsrsedss &nd repsipJ.s Section G of Parlri-ng Rsgula^ions under Resolu-b5.oa 354 of Uinnsapolis- Saint Paul-KetropoU-kan Airports Coaalssion adoptod. the 17t;h day of. Septeabsr^ 1956«
Adopted by the Kinnep>polis-~SsAn'& Paul Kete'opolifcan Airports CcsEniosion on the 6th &sy of April, 3.959? by 9 votes for esid no votes sgainsto
Published in 'Finance and Coniasrc®, s legal ne'.-jspapsr of .fcha City
of Minneapolis, on ths 9t-h day of April^ 1959-.
.» '
Publishsd in Saint Pa-ul Legal Lsdgor, a legal lisus^apsr of Uw . City of Satirb Paul, on t}\Q 10th dsy of. A?ilil, 1959<>
FUcd vdfch prool* of irAbl5.Cut3.on lA-t.h ths Secretar-y of State of tho St-ate. of lliimssol^i on fclie 17-bh d%r of AlwU, 1959«
Traffic control devices inatolled at)d in place ths 3^-' day of
/ips?U^ 1959.
iaiiKSAi»oLis-c.ixiri' PAULli&pr^oLXTOi fawms cc^-assxoa Special RofltLtaUon No. 9
^^%T:^^^:u^y^St »
iso^t25^^th± 8^ns^^sc^R^^^^^^ ^^£i^te'<'iof-tr5uc''*dyd"°tl^3^uu^?T
^T!iBa? <tea^ at^^in&wsoction of 6ai3 St». l3.
^%t^.SJ?,a B2S^b?.-;O^^^B?oc^e3LSA ^^d ", rC&ution", and *1Qo"traffic cont^oi-eigna3La7^ ""'".UKW^
iT5i5»HE50LSth^pp^wiatg traffic con^l d^lces be ^
'"" Aod thereby- indicatiiig toa traffic~regula5^'Nhc5byAc§op^
. ^ne..^?G&-¥uos' ^£^ys, 'and~iAthin'Pa?kingTrS8
F!S'Iffl?^OI'15DJ?at tMS sp3cia1Regulation ie to telse ef^ecl. 2?lBS^Stt^<5ri«^ne.'d^tt^^ai."°f>te1»"aa'~?°^'y
iSpsSSd^pon5'nstall&tion OJC & roprl&to traffic
6&vic^s"&sr hw;iau
^S^Sdn^AIaTO;i&p^s:sainLP&u3-. ^^>OPC>^S" Ato>01'tB S'°SSn^.ths 6th d^ ofAPPi3L>'lo^rbyT%^TorlSd^a
ipubli6h?d in Finance.&ndCoas^rcQ, & lefiai nswspsspsp of ths C11 ofllinnoapolis, onth^9bh-'day"of"Aui;U/195§r
of S.,^£?d ^ ?S^P?vtLOS?-.Leds£z>^&^al newspaper c£ tho City L>onths10thdoyofAprj.!,5.959." '""*-~~ '"*
»Ka:e,d<wi?h-Froofof l>?b?^^ioavHh ths. Secreteiyof State,of the ormnnesofeaonthsX7bhdayofAttfii,"!^"'"'" '" w"""s'U'Ll'"?
Api^?^ co^>01doric03&ns'fcal3-edand^ P1^^ ^v? <layo.c
^^s-^---- fxx^w SpecialRegulationNo. 28. .
;.:^-;^^-sni»t^ Ketr°^itenMrportsco°!slss: AfiopteflbytheMinneapoll=-S°i»<'^>u.--- ^
. A^-.-<»I nereulafcion "oc^s-nd . s?. ws^^e^ss^^^^&Ki't .
''sSSS^"^^^^^^^- ' "^y^Tcn^y^^S?SS51sr
>»..»;^...".;»~-- """".*" allbeingpresent. .
' . ~»!-:.^^»S^?S-SS:-W1"'""'"""',.
cltyT^ o"t7^r^i?^
a w
'a lesalBEBSI>&?crof. c
..*.-. .f Steteol theStateofKl"n»=°te> Piledvlth.WcSecret ofSt^o. o.^
'"'" .
J&nu&ry 19, 13£>2.
yr&fi'ic . *.
Adopted. by th®K5-"^<S£po3.1s-Saint Paul Metropolitan iniaaission. . 7 .. .
'^ ,. BS.IT ?ESOUJED lfch&'l: the following Spscial ResuSatlttn be
^d^hs?e1b?^s. a?o^e?^'G<te&~contr^ro Ffcafflc"^^^^el- l-Chamberlain Field - Consesfced'D^sfcricts':'" "--. *"*<-
Traffic in the paved ayea apound and between aircraffc^loadias'Pis^s A, B, C, and D, Volfi^"
chamberlaln. pl&ld -"Coagssted Dlstrlcfc~(B), "shall aited to aircraft $&i*vlcing vehicles'.'
«?lm??SR R?SOLVED thafc £.?p2?o?3?late traffic control devices
2-i-nst'S115?-along..stfeuts/ avsaues, roa&T&ys, leading to'anr wi??ln .the a^&,affected thsreby 'indicating"the'~fcra???c*'?e?u^
.adopted. '
" "~~" --".".
PUR??.SR^R3SOLVSD ^at_thlB Special RegylaSion is to take
^f^S»ug;S p,ublicatior7'and711i%wwlth ^FsSc^a?? ^ S?2?e 5s.provid&d./oylaw£r-^.u?oai^st£?l£tion~0£>aooz-op?l^r-1 'LC
?^£CL?3 n&Ssln-?equlred'. ^d3h&t''this''SpS£^rR ^Ia£iSnA
;%efs;?e!^drepsals S?. ci£l;ReguiatjLon Ko:"ro f"tgrS£^«;a- PSils:sa3-R?_?aul ?^^o?oli&an~Air?orts''Co2URi»sior as"ofl"5iT
;lve date hereof/ ~ -
--- - - w**w
Adopted &t s. spscial me&tlns by unanimous vote of the Eieffibers
all being pr-esent,
~' ""
----. - --«^..^^^,
^ublished i" y^ance £r<clCo?n.?sfircGj s. legal nev?spa?&r of t.ho City or Kinneapol.is, January 3.2, 1952'. " - -^^-~ -
Published In St. Paul Lo^al LsJfiGr, a legal ncnsp£psr or the C3.ty or St. Paul, January U,"3.$&2. " ' "" ---.-.--
piled ^Ath the Secrc't&ry o? Stato of the State oj[k Kinn&sot^, Jai-ju&py 19, 1962. . " ---- - ...-....-.^^,
MIKHEAPOKS-SAItff PAUL nETRCFCL!YAH A tBPORTS i:£^:lSSlO:t Special P.egalatlon tto. 33
. ':......' . Ad°P?ed by the KInncapolis-SaInS Paul. ttetrcpoliten Airports
. / Parkin
.: -
i..- .
' . . . -. . ''..'.?
BE IT RESOLVED That the . .
'. following Spddot RitrJ taEicn ke Qrm
... hereby is adopted for the control of parking within the
district (3) at Wold-Chsm&crIain Field: . '' . -~ - ..- '": . ... .. . . ;.. -.... .-: ..*. ......
' . ...-.
(I) The cssi sitls of tbs elsvatud e.-tf lcwr ro3dwsys in front of ths Hsa? pui>Iic Pessensor TftiWtflal
Building. located In Wold-Chesibertsin Fte'>d Congested District (E) src hereby desigsiated as 20 ainyse
:, . '"
* ." ..
" . ' . ;-"
Iiinite<! psrking zcncs cs iRdlcated by appropriate
«s»ark$ng3 snd by perkir. csraatsrs sat to pcmit 210 BiinutMparkingendepositoff.-.-o(2)n?ctelsor '..."'. s^w
" , . . . one diira coin of the United Stetes of /^aeries ;:;- '^.
which asters shall -control perking therein. :. .' . ;-"<.
*;.' . - t
FUilTh'ERRESOLVEDthat approprlata psr^ipg ccntrol dsvlses'be installed along s£re£ts. awnues. rosAwys, cKd with?n piirh'ng areas
effected thereby indlcsting ths parking rcsulation hereby £;Eoptec,,-
RJRTHERRESOLVEDtS-.3<: thJs Specia! aeaalation ?s to tsW' effect uponpublication andfiUia with th-sSccrstsry of Ssat&as proyio'cilfcyla./ anduponir.stallationorepp.-cpr?ste'traffic '. devicss as hersin required, and that. this Special ^.esjlDzio^ supsrsedss and rspsais Special Rss-jlation te. 23 of tha ?Unr.s£pol»s-
Saint Paul KstropoliSan Airports Co.-^aissica Btlopt&d t.Ss 2r.d
of Koveciber, 1953. . ^ . . . '.; :., . . "'
. i'-
. :. . - ".: -'.- ' " -
Adopted at a regular Reeling of. the Comaisslon Move.-Rber 5J962 tb<re
" . "...-
b&Ing a quorum present.
Votes for
Votes against Absent
7 0 2
~ ... -.. -. '. <.
".i .. /
. ' ^^.. ''l:1
Published in Finance and Coamarce a legal newspapesr of the City of Mtnneapotls, Kovssibar ]4, 1SS2. " . . .'.»
of Saint Paul, frtovember 13; 1962. ~
- . . -- -..- -.., .-tv
Fllc^wIth_the_Secrcstary of State of the State of Htnnssota Kovacibsr 19> 19o2.
.-. .
RU:K^ciGUS-SA;t, '7 PAULr^7aOF3LtT. ^ A": '»:-*YSC^t. l53l5;' .t
Spsctal P.Gfl-jiletion Ko. 3't
; . -; Traffic . ; ^ ./
< . . ....'
by the flInneapolis-Saint Paul Kr-tropoIItan Airports Ccswis-
slon'pursuant to § 2. 'l6 or Ortilnaitcs fo. 12of .ths Co.-saission. . . *.
'. BE IT HESOLVEDthat ths follwir. s s?2CIal. RSCTtst!o:l^ts aRC!.
hereby'ls'edapted for thecontrol of traffic.WtAin^Id-^haiBberisin Field-congested district <B): . ;.... '.:.. ;'.'. .;:1:
.... -'. '.. *.. . '. . - .. ^ ' . Within conscsted district (B) thafo!lor,rtnsetrset3, svaaaes
'"'. '.''.
s. and roads are hereby <iesigna£ed as cns-way streets, avenyss end
ro&^'with'vehiwlar traffic linited to a stRgla dir&ctlon as
..' ' follows: . \..
.. . X
^ .
» . -...**" "*^/ * .
''. "', * f*. f. . ' l".*
;:^ . : . (aV The na* PasssnserYenalRsI catrarss road, . ;.. - tha new Passsnger Terminal frontsseresds, the WSH^ .
:-:^;.'. Passenser'YenaTnsl cxic raed^and the rotul"n roE^T*'oy -:;:£";?the'nc-rf Psssenscr Tenainal e.\ifc read to the r.cfar passet:-
^. " ger Teraiir.arentrance road (thasa raa^s^rynni<?3 frKa ., ' . :._: ":^. one end to the othsr forss a closed loop), ars cas-'rf^'-. ^
,f:. roadsaridvehiculartrafficthereonsha'nb-etimItssT *.
. '..'.'--. around said closed lcop. . '- .. ;-.. : -"..',:.; ^\'.. ^ :;'.- . '. ;;.".-}.;.'-..- .:-.. ;.".;"* ": *" "'.y '."'"'
:l':^to~tra<fic travel irsg iR a counter-clocteiise c'»rect»on . ,
'; ' FURTtIER P.2SOLVED that e. norcprlat^ traffic cor. trol risyiccs fcs iostslTed along streets. svRnuss a<«'Srosds affectet! t?%r2by tndicaz- ing the traffic rsgalstion hai-s&yadcpt&d. ^' . :. ;.. ^^ . /. - ; ^ .-
FUCTKER RESOLVED that this Spedst P*ecu7 att'or. is to tske
effest'upon . wbtication sr.ii fi 15nswith the £ecretery, 07^ate es ?"idsdrby 'lew and upon In&tsllsticr. cf soGi-opriets Traffic devicss'ss'hs. -a'in required, and that this S?6=^l P.aEUlEtlcn
suparsades end'rspeals Spsclal Rsculetion ?to. .32,c^ t?3 S!!;n?,T?°US" SaInt'Peul K&tropoliten Airports Com-iMSsiontsdoptecl ths 2ad <!aypf
April, 13&2. . . , . "-l.;;< . ' '. . ^. . ':.,.. .\--;- .^ Adopted at a regular (Rsatlng of the Cosgnlsslon Kovsnbsr 5> 19S2, there
being 6 quorua
Votes for Votes against Absent
present. . . _
7 0 2
publtshad In Finsncs and Co^r^rcc a legal newspaper of the City of IIInncopolis, K&Vtynbar »^, IS 5 2 . . . : . .
Publlshsd In SoSnt Paul Legal Ledger a legal r.cwsp.ipcr oF the City of SaTnt Paul, liovcmber 13* 19S2.
WWTOUS-SAIHTPAULH^OroUTWASRPOCTSCOK.tlSSlCH . .. - Sp&fat Rsgulatlo" v09 35 .:_. '.-'.
'- ^ ;'.. -. ».
; ',
' - ;-< . ' -. ' ..-..
*.. .' ' I
. a -; /:l^
.. ..'«.
M,pt.<byth.H>nn»po"s-sa, ntP«.t H.trof»1Ua"A.rport,Co»,»Ion.
wS^^^^S^ . . ».
. <'
\ .
'^'; 0) WithinCongestedDistrict (A): . ':-^'^"- '':^'-^'?^': .
^ ^
"-; Ssssss^ii^^
".'? .,
/ '..
^:^:^^^-^-^. :i:-. r - . - . . ?'.':/.-'^~ ^^- . .:
^:::<-"A-'bunding. . .. . , ,. ' \-.
^..,^^W ^r^^^wtr:m^"S^^ of62n<^ ::;.
"..-.. -.."
. *-*
- ~-»5 ri"*.' *F'' .-« - r;.----'y.L^;-^^-/
/-l-. i*'* .
Twoseparate pedestriengross wa1k5,are^e7,
'.-".-. -.
S;su355£^^i|?i^,. ;.; ^of~th& public payparklnQ lot. ; . . / .^:^^ ..:- . ^..^.:
r3tepedestr^^^^^ ^^ :
tsKSS?^^^.,. - 'of'the public payparking lot. . . .^ ^ .;.^ . ,^
-n-o sep3
:^'W"'^ES6WE^t"^SPr^ffi^Sr S.^i^,: :^t:SS5i£^^
by-lTw^d. ^:;. i^^^iS{^^^r^i^^"^"ParscdsLsnd h&retn/S;ui^t^I^^rti^sI?^^h^^s3P:;us:3aiRt. 'pauL
.'.:ur»t.;(? £t . ? »-C!?yln.- f-'^tir-a cl: t'rs Cei.=--.-;b3ic.;l I^c.-.'.rsr S, IS52
- ...
», . . ... ".. ...T^UI'S b.*!r»g e quorc.-a t'r£f-A**';.
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t . :I
Special Regulation to* 37 -' '. . Traffic
?.? il
AdoptedbytheHInneapolis-Sa^t^Pau^Ket^U^^^^s- ^£^rSan'rot'§T'16'of Ordinance to. 12 of the Cofimtssion.
that the follcwing Special Rsgu.lation be,8nd. h.^EI"^J"?or°^^!'?l^^l"if^°^^^n
oT9tri'ctr'CA)'and' (&) and slsewhero on She Field:
Thefolto/ithg streets, avenues. or_roads_are^e^by M'thro'L'lh'ctreets, before enterin9_or crossing
SFwS'ich^treetsfromintersGct;ng^^^;w^^^ as
Is required to stop or to yield as hereafter required. . . , . ' ._. . ,
(1) InCongestedDistrict (A):
; .^
(a) 34th Avenue South froa the South^s^de
of 6lst'Stwct East so the torth Sideof 70th Street'access road. AUtrafficshallstop. :
>. 62nd Street East frcci 34th^Avenua SouA^^ tothe'West'stdeof28thAvraueSouth. Alltrsffic shall stop.
(c) AirportServiceRoadforItsfulllength. All traffic sha:t stop.
(2) In Congested District (B):
. (a). "A" Street for Its full length. ATI traffic shall stop.
(b) "D"Street for its full length. All traffic shall stop.
The ncai Passenger Terminal entrance road; the nBW'Passeny- Tsnalnal Front&ge Rosds'_thc, "e^
P^se^r'TemTnal'e^t rcac«ndtheretu^^rosdfrcro the''nw~passengcr tcnalnat exit road, co_tho, na'.
^seSgert emT'nal "entrance roed ^^tbI^fKl, l^enSth- HT"t'rafhc'etitcring shall yteld to traffic tiicrson.
(3) ElswhareontheHtnnsepolis-SaintPauIftnternatlooal AIrport'.. Wold-Chaiaberlain Field:
(e) SouthPerinetorXoadfrom3I»£hAw»<le,south. Esste^Ty aiid''ScuthcsstcrIy to bu^not throu£h the cast perimeter ftoad. All traffic shslt stop.
'.f.'<. :-£
<b) East Permleter Road froa the ttortfaniest Airlines Main Base leased premises Southwesterly
throughtheSouthPerimetarBoad. Alltraffic shall stop.
FURTHERRESCUEDthat appropriate traffic control deytces be "ffected'thereby indicating thtt traffic regulation hereby adapted.
FURTHERRESOVLEDthat this Special Regulatlon^ls to take effect noon BubiTcatlon'and filing with the Secretary of_Stata_as provided
'TaS'and'upon'tnstallatIonof appropriate faf<!IC_dev16es,as_her&: Tn requtred7and'that this Spasia'l'Regulation SUPersedes end. rePeaIS
'Regulation(to. »2o^»*r"leaPOIIS*saint.pa';1>tet"*POHteo Alrport»Caasnlssionadoptedthe6thofApril, 1959.
: '
Installed'atong'streets. avenues, roaAays al*dwith!n Parkln9^al'eas
Special Regulation »to» 38
).. Trefftc\
Adopted by the Hlnnaapolts-Salnt Paul Hetropolttan Airports taanttssion pursuant to g 2, 16 of Ordinance No> 12 of tha Coiaaisslon. .
BE IT RESOLVED that th® following Special Regulation be and hereby Is adopted for the control of traffic within the con- gested districts (A) and (B) at Wold-ChacAerlaIn Field and else- »Aere on the Field:
On all streets, avenues and roads situated on coasnlssion owned properties the speed limit for vehicles shall b& 30 miles per hour except as hereinafter provided:
(t) The speed limit shatl be 20 miles per hcur
, . within all parking lots; and within Congested Districts
:, . (A) exclusive of 34th Avenue South. E&st 62nd Street,
- East. 61st Street and 70th Street Access Road; and within
,, Congested District (B) exclusive of the new passenger terminal entrance and exit roads, and 'W* Street and "D** Street.
(2) Within Congested District (A) the speed liinlt on 34th Avenue South and 6lst Street East shall be 30 miles per hour.
(3) The speed limit on East S2nd Street and on 70th Street access road, both In Congested District (A) and
.on South Perlreater Road shall be 40 miles per hour,
(4) Within Congested District <B) on ths new pas- senger terminal entrance roed from the airport property line Rortherly to Its Intersection with the return road from the nsw passenger tanninal exit road, th® speed li- nft shall be 50 miles per hour, thereafter to Its ter- mlnationat point of separation of the elevated and ground
level public passenger frontage roads the spesd liniit shall be 35 <ailes per hour.
(5) Wtth in Congested District (B) on tha new pas- sengar tennlnol exit roads from Its ccfisnsncemsnt at tha termination of the public passenger frontage roads to a point just beyond the traffic intcrchangs bridge, tho speed limit shall be 30 nlles per hour, thereafter to
Its teiiaination at the airport property Une the speed limit shall be 50 alias per hour.
(6) Within Congested District (B) on all turn-offs from the new passenger tennlnal entrance road to "0" Street the speed limit shall be 35 miles per hour.
(7) Within Congested District (B) on all turn-offs from "A" Street to the new pessenjer terolnal exit road, the speed limit shall ba 20 miles per hour.
RJRTHERRESOLVEDthat approprtate traffic control devices be Installed along streets, avenues. roadways, and within park- Ing areas affected thereby Indicating the traffic regulation hereby adopted.
FURTHERRESOLVEDthat this Spsclal Regutatlon Is to take effect upon publication and filing with the SscreCary of State as provtced by law and upon installation of approprt&te traffic devices as herein required, and that this Special ilaculation supersedes and repeals Special Regulation No. 7 of Minneopolis- Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Coraalssion aeopted the 6th
day of April, 1959.
Adopted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission, sometimes referred
to as Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, ';-.*.....I*.'1'"-I"'..-.^*"....-.... *^"../.-
^. ^-
..^.'.-.'. ... :. .. . .;. . .
v<*t:-'... /... "...^.....» BE IT RESOLVED that. the Notice to be filled out, signed by or on
'~. '
;.;;...^..-. . . .. . .. .... . . -'-^f
^' v ..
..:*. ' attached. . -^slp'-"\ . -~:-'.';. '.' :^.'A .;. . " A^ " '-.-'';'''.''- . ?;*h R'.^-f"
: '.:. :.. ' -- -* .
-'".. ... -. '-"'l-'f''^ . .
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behalf of a member of the public desiring to carry on a constitu-". ' .. - ..... ^-
. ."
':- . .. ..
. -.
'tionally protected activity on Commission property, and filed with
'.. ^
'... ... :.,
^ ..
^ -. ^-^ '
_ . . * .. .
.. . .. _..
Coinroission's designated representative at the airporfc where the , '.
^ .. . .-. .
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. ^.^.^^ .. ^ "./. »>^».»^.<
- - *-w4'-.- . .. --<-'*M-<1^;
activity is to-be carried on, sha-11 be in form as Exhibit A hereto . :' . . .'...t * . . . - . - . .. .. '.
^^.^^ ^^,. ^^ _ ^^
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Adop'ted'afa regular :C6mmisSion meeting 19 April, 1976 ^by^ote of . ".^ '.''. _ __/ * __ _ -ff ._rt_ ^ . ^<^-^_ J --r^.-^^-.^ .»»»^»^*^ii.*n^. in»»<3 «»/s4-^ vt^ ^*irf"l ^l^^a^CL ^A ^ V\ff . . .
a-majority of the. -toimnissioners present and voting', and. there being a. quorum present and voting thereon. .
. ' . '...,...;
Notice'of Adoption of Speci-al Regulati. on published in the St"-: Pa-ul Legal Ledger Friday, 23-April, 1976. .
Notice of Adoption of Special Regulation published in Finance and Conunerce Friday, 23.April, 1976* , .
Piled with "the Secr&tary of State 4 May, 1976 with Affidavit of Publication from Financs and Commerce and St. Paul Legal Ledger.
, y..g, 'J *. .euchexpression.) . .
'. .
' . .
n: :
State of Incortioration, JL any s 9
Re rescnkakxvG or nambe'r of the net AS-liaison with I-iAC;
Periaancnt Address;
!. Mftnih<ir of the
pub-lxc oc<ani'zatio. Idrcss;
STcXephone Uo.
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ublic (orqani7.ati.on) to
Telephone Nos ' X<ocal Address:
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. . .. . Telephone
*.*..-"..;.."-.-.__ ..:.....
\. . dxstribubioa of leaflets, picketing, etc.J . .. . : .
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c/ Name of person(s) rcsponsiblfi for distribution of funds colXcctfcfl
'.. '". '__. _;. _. . _ .
_ *.-.
b» Kcuae(s) of chief officer and secretary of such organ^iaation and
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-' "»*
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^.i-:.. '.:- ijL. proposed distribution of funds collecfced in the solicitation;
. ' ''\ ~ . al^'*.
. . . I- expensesincurredinsolicitstiony .
;... . .. .
£. Attach a copy of the applicant^ current budget;
. :.^ .. -/.'...-
t>REI--I:RRllD: M.'rK^f^iVr:-.
\. '-
'. -' . - . .
. p. . Attach a copy of federal tax C3:en?fc stafcus, an<3 state-tax &xcinpk
5. Infcended auflienco: s«
. . State,why commission property is prefsrrE-d and/or necessary to ^:cach the intended audience. .
status. If any. .
; . . ~ . '.
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^opted^ythe^t«,polit«.Mr^tsCc».^^^. ^^^ ^^^ 'to. M liinne^^lnt Eaal"etr«^»^A..po.ts'co«a^on-
BE=ra;IUMOtvED,«>atsoll^"°"of the^.avoun,publ^thin'
the.Ier^al. BuUd^gatMinneapolls-Saint-PaulIntern.tlonal''
»irp°rtby»«,berso£thepublic(corpo^te. .associa&on.or . ^wyaau^l. be assi^ <=° ^loc^.^n t,, ^ ^,. .
-. I
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tiding concise »1^ booths to be constroct.d at. no.th~ the
«d southendsof thecentral canine areasandoppo, ite the
entrants tote^g^en^ gold loading concourses oa^hlbitAcachedheretoandapartheieof.'- ' . . '"Y '
'- . . ~^-'-*'-u' .. 1-_' .- ' . "; ' . . . : . . < .'.. ''. . '. -..' :',t.y.y.;.. -..:. . .».
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Noti'ee»pf Adyp^n:. of-Spe-c'ial"ReguT'at. xon publish"&d;-in Finance and .
Comriierce Friday^:'23;April, . 1976. ".- . .. ;'-'. "- : "'-. '' '
"v . ' .'. "' ".. "...;. ».. "-.
". . . . , .
'": .'' -.." ' "" ^ '
Filed;with th®.:'Sec-retary of State 4:-May, 1976 with-'Affidavit-of ...... Publication frdift. '-Finance and Commerce and St. Paul Legal Leger. '
. -»'^
* ...'
*. .
'../.. i. .
PEPARn:CWc.T'si'Are' . FILED
. MAY-41976 .
f,i-tf» -^A\wf . '.<-*./;/ .-Sccrchry oi s^3 *
Adoptedbythe MimieapoUs-Saint PaulMetropolitan Airports Commission.
BEFTRESOLVED,That the foUowingregulationbeandherebyis adoptedfor the
vehiclesusedfor pubUcconveyancewithintheMinneapoUs-SaintPaulMetropoUtan Airport-Wold<;hamb®rlain Field:
(D The Airport Director of the MinneapoIis-Saint Paul MetropoHtan
Airport-Wold-Chamberlain Field,forthepurposeofprovidinganefficient
andeffecUvesystemoftrafficflow .andfor.thepurposeofprovidingforthe
safetyandconvenienceofthepersonsusingtheairportfacmty, ishereby
authorized and empowered to adopt and promulgate such procedures and
rulesasmaybenecessaryorusefultocontrol thetraffic flowandparkingof
vehicles used for pubUc conveyance, including but not Umited to, airport
Umousines, buses,andtaxicabsandtocontrol thepickupofpassengersand
baggageby suchvehicles, wittin the MinneapoUs-Saint Paul MetropoUtan Airport-Wold-ChamberIain Field.
(2) AUtidesadoptedandpromulgatedbytheAirport Directorpursuant to this regulation shaUbeset forth in writing andsignedanddated by the AirportDirector. SuchrulesshaUheeffectiveasof.thedatetheyare acceptedbytheMinneapoUs-SaintPaulMetropoUtanAirport Commission,as hereinafter provided, unlessanemergencysituationexistswhichrequif'esan earUereffectivedate,inwhichcasetheeffectivedateshaUbethedateset
forthintheruleandsuchruleshaUbetemporarUyeffectiveuntilaccepted bytheMinneapbUs-Saint-PaulMetropoUtanAirportCommission. AUsuch
rules adopted pursuant to this regulation shaU be presented to the
Minneapdis-Sflint Paul MetropoUtan Airport Commission for their
acceptanceat its regularly scheduledmeetingwhichnextfoUowsthedate
and accq»ted riiaU be included in the Commission's records. . f
andfUingin theSecretary of State's office, asprovided bylaw, shaUbein fuU
forceandeffectfromandafterJune20,1977,andthatuponits takingeffectit shaUsupersede andrepeal Special Regulations 42 and43.
Adopted at a regular Commission meeting June 20, 1977, by vote'of
a majority of the Conunissioners present and voting, and there being a quorum present and voting thereon.
Notice of Adoption of Special Regulation published in St. Paul Legal
Ledger, July 2, 1977.
Notice of Adoption of Special Regulation
published in Finance and Conaaerce, July 2, 1977.
. Filed with the Secretary of State/ July 20, 1977 with Affidavit of Publication from Finance and Coinmerce and St. Paul Legal ledger.
^ ?ln'£»Kr^sTwr^
e*l'ep. JUL^O^77
Adopted by the Metropolitan Airports Ccanmissionr sometimes referred to as Miimeapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports CoRaaission,
BEITRESOLVED,thatalllessees,licenseesandothertenants(herein after "Lessees") of the Metropolitan Airports CCTiunission, for
themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, shall comply with the following regulations:
(1) In the event facilities are constructed, maintained,
or otherwise operated on property under lesase to Lessee for a purpose for which a Department of Transportation program or activity is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of sicular services or benefits^ the Lessee shall maintain and operate such facilities and serviGes in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Depart-
ment of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs
of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as said Regulations may be amended.
(2) The Lessee for himself» his personal representatives,
successors in interest, and assigns» does hereby covenant
and agree that (a) no person on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex or national origin shall be excluded from participating in,
denied the benefits of» or be otherwise subjected to discrlmina- tiop in the use of said facilities, (b) that in the construction
of any improvements on, over^ or under such land and the furnish- ing of services thereon, no person on the grounds of race,
color, creed, sex or national origin shall be excluded from
participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be
s'/' lected to discrimination, (c) that the Lessee shall use the premises in compliance with all other requiraaents imposed
by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondis.crimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Taramsportation-Effectuaticm of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964« as said Regulations nay be amended.
(3) The Lessee assures that it will undertake an affirmative action program as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to insure that no person shall on the grounds of r&ce, creed, color, national origin, or sex be excluded fr<an participating
in any employment activities covered in 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart E. The Lessee assures that. no person shall be excluded on these grounds from participating in or receiving the services or benefits of any program or activity covered by this subpart. Tl, Lessee assures that it will require that its covered
suborganizations provide assurances to the Metropolitan Airports
Canunissiori that they similarly will undertake affirmative action programs and that they will require assurances from their
suborganizations, as required by 14 CPR Part 152, Subpart E, to the same effect.
^^?^O^I^2!D Section I - Definitions
1.3 1.4 1.5
Ai -ort. ~ Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Al -Wold-Chamberlain Field, a public airport xmder"the' superviBion'operation, direction and'controFof'the
mmleapoli8'~saint^paul Me^ropolitan"Airports'~Cominission,
in the County of'Hennepin and State-of^Minnesota.
Ai^-ort.LimouBine- Everymotorvehicledesignedandused u^de.r_license. from the public Service Commission of"the"State
^nn"ota-to^carry passen9ers for^hire bver'predetermined"
nutes betwee". ule-aiIPOrt &nd Predetermined~deStinatiCTi7 the State of Minnesota. ~
Metropolitan Area Ai crt Limousine > Every Airport Limousine
-cense___to Berve atl serving pr inarily the Minneaplis^-Saint' Paul seven county metropolitan'area.
?utZstate Ai ort^Limousine^ Every Airport Limousine licensed ^serve^and^ serving primarily areas outside of'the~Mimiea'-:'
Paul seven county taetropolitan area.
^ ^-EYery. motor. vehicle designed for carrying more than
passengers and used for transportation of persons"for compensatioia*
Hotel^-otel/Business Courtesy Vehicle - Every motor vehicle operater_-:y or for. a "ot-el, motel, company, -corporation"or"
to transport personnel between the airport"and
;, motel, company, corporation or business"affiliate' concerned *
offZAirport. Auto Rental Vehicle - Every motor vehicle used
to tran8POrt passengers between the airport~and~the~ofiices
se auto rental companies not having concession' on airport property.
^axlcab ^ Every motor vehicle carrying passengers for pay or hlr®_UPQn.public Btl"eets and upon the"streets^avenues'~mid'
^of the airport, equipped"with a taxi-meter'and"
to^ca11 on or upon such public streets and airport"6treets^
avenues or roads or from a garage or other established' i.
Section 2 - Pick U and Parkin Areas
2. 1
Taxicabs shall pickup and discharge passengers and/or baggage and park as required by Ordinance No. 50, Special Regulation No. 46, and such rules as are promulgated there- under and as they are from time to time amended.
Metropolitan Area Airport Limousine shall pick up passengers on the right (west) side of the outer roadway in the 120 foot curb area beginning 30 feet south of the southernmost walkway and extending generally southwest on the lower roadway level
(See Area A in the attached diagram for clarification). Additional limousines waiting for a position in the pick up area shall park in the curb area on the left (east) side of
the outer roadway on the lower roadway level in the ai^a beginning at a point approximately 120 feet generally north- east of the intersection of the northernmost walkway and the outer roadway and extending generally northeast approximately 120 feet to a point approximately 240.feet generally north- east of the intersection of the outer roadway and the northeim- most pedestrian walkway (See Area B in the attached diagram
for clarificaticm).
Out-^State Airport Limousines shall pick up passengers on the
right (west} side of the Upper roadway level in an area beginning immediately northeast of the handicap curb access
area and extending approiximately 60 feet generally northeast. (See Area C in the attached diagram for clarification).
Hotel/Motel/Business Courtesy Vehicles and Off-Airport Auto Rental Vehicles shall pickup passengers at the <mrb area on the left (east) side of the outer roadway between the inter- section of the north walkway and extending 120 feet generally northeast of that intersection on the lower roadway level
(See Area D in the attached diagram for clarification).
Buses shall pickup passengers on the right (west) side of
the inner roadway in the curb area begiiming immediately
north of the entrance to the yellow lot and extending 120 feet generally northeast from the entrance of the yellow lot. The yellow lot is that parking lot inmediately adjacent to the south side of the lower level of the nain terminal building
(See Area E on the attached diagram for clarification) .
2. 3
2. 4
2. 5
Section 3 - PROVISIONSSEVERABLE. If any part of this Special
Begu ation s all e eld to be unconstitutional or in conflict with any law of the United States or the State of Minnesota, such unconstitutionality or conflict shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Special Regulation. The Ccamnission hereby declares it would have passed the re- maining parts of this Special Regulation if it had known
that such cyther part or parts hereof would be declared un- constitutional or in conflict with other State or Federal legislation.
Section 4
4. 1 Special Regulation No. 31 ie hereby repealed. Section 5
5<1 The effective date of this Special Regulation shall be November 1, 1980.
Adopted at a regular Commission meeting October 20, 1980, by vote of a majority of the Commissioners present and voiting, and there being a quorum present and voting thereon.
Notice of Moption of Special Regulation published in St. Paul Legal Ledger, October 28, 1980.
Notice of Adoption of Special Regulation published in Finance and Conanerce, October-25, 1980.
Filed with the Secretary of State, October 29, 1980 with Affidavit of Publication from Finance and Commerce and St. Paul Legal Ledger.
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Zoning"map"meanstheCrystalAirportZoningMapheretoattachedandmade a part of this ordinance.
"Master Plan" means the established airport layout as shown by Commission's Plan #27453, Drawing 2 hereto attached and made a part of this ordinance.
"Airport reference point" means the center point of the airport hazard area, as designated on the zoning map.
"Commission" means Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, herein referred to as MAC.
AnOrdinanceregulatingtheheightofstructuresandtreesandtheuseofthepropertyin the vicinity of Crystal Airport.
WHEREAS,the Minneapolis-SaintPaul Metropolitan Airports Commission considers it necessary for the purpose of promoting public health, safety, order, convenience and generalwelfarebyprotectingthelivesandpropertyofusersoftheCrystalAirportandof owners and occupants of land in its vicinity to adopt the following airport zoning ordi- nanceapplicabletoCrystalAirportasauthorizedbyMinnesotaLaws1945,Chapter303 as amended, M.S.A. 360.061-360.074.
The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission does ordain:
Section 1. Definitions. As used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise re- quires:
(1) "Airport" means the Crystal Airport, a public airport owned and being operated, maintained and developed by the Commission.
(2) "Airporthazard"meansanystructureoftreeoruseofland,whichobstructsthe air space required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing or taking off of aircraft.
(3) "Airport hazard area" means the area of land or water or both upon which an air- port hazard might exist if not prevented as provided in this ordinance.
(4) "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, associa- tion, joint stock association or body politic, and includes any trustee, receiver, as- signeeorothersimilarrepresentativethereof.
(5) "Nonconforming use" means any structure, tree or use of land, which does not conform to a regulation prescribed in this ordinance or any amendment thereto asoftheeffectivedateofsuchregulationoramendment.
(6) "Structure"meansanyobjectconstructedorinstalledbymanincludingbutwith- out limitation buildings, towers, smoke stacks and overhead transmission lines.
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(12) "Committee" means the MAC Airport Zoning Committee.
(13) "Board" means the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board.
(14) "Public notice" shall mean notice published at least twice with an interval of at least seven days between publication dates in the official newspaper of the cities ofMinneapolisandSaintPaul,andofthecountyinwhichtheairportislocated.
Section2. Air ortHazardArea Air ortReferencePointAndZones. Theairport hazard area is the area surrounding the airport reference point as designated on the zoning map and is divided into zones, as shown on the zoning map, in respect to which zonesheightlimftsashereinaftersetforthwillapply:
(1) Thelandingzonesarestripswithinthe confinesoftheairportboundaries,desig- nated in black on the map, and along which landings and take-offs are made and taxiingisdone.
(2) The approach zones are trapezoidal areas which extend beyond the ends of all landingzonesas indicatedonthezoningmap.
(3) The horizontal surface zones are areas having radii of 5, 000 feet from the airport referencepointandareshownonthezoningmap.
(4) The conical surface zones are areas lying immediately beyond the horizontal surfacezoneshavingtotheirouter-limitsa radiusof8,000feetfromtheairport reference point as shown on the zoning map.
(5) The transition zones are irregular areas lying just outside of approach zones as shownonthezoningmap.
Section3. Hei htLimits. Exceptasotherwiseprovidedinthisordinance,nostructure shall be located, constructed, altered or maintained,and no tree shall be allowedto grow above height limits hereinafter established within any landing zone, approach zones, horizontal surface zones, conical surface zone or transition zones, said heights being measuredinfeetaboveestablishedelevationsasfollows:
(1) Withinlandingzones- theelevationofthesurfaceofthelandingstripsexceptas required and as necessary and incidental to airport operations or as may be rec- ommended by or is in accordance with rules of the Civil Aeronautics Administra- tion.
(2) Withinapproachzones- theestablishedelevationforthebeginningofeachap- proach zone as shown on the Master Plan, plus one foot of height for every 30 feet of horizontal distance measured along the centerline of the approach zone fromtheendnearestthelandingzonetoa pointonsaidcenterlineatrightangles to the structure or tree in question,
(3) Within horizontal surface zones -150 feet above the established elevation ofthe airport, said established airport elevation being mean sea level elevation 869 feet.
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MACOrdinance 6
(4) Within conical surface zones - The elevation of the horizontal surface zone at 5,000feetfromtheairportreferencepointplusonefootofheightforevery20 feetofhorizontaldistanceto8,000feetfromtheairportreferencepoint.
(5) Withintransitionzones- Theheightlimitpermittedata pointonthecenterlineof the nearest approach zone at right angles to the structure or tree in question plus one foot in height for every seven feet of horizontal distancefrom the nearest sideboundaryofsaidlandingorapproachzonetosuchstructureortreemeas- ured along a line at right angles to the centeriine of such landing or approach zone.
(6) Wherezonesoverlap,theheightlimitshallbethatofthezoneimposingthemore stringent heightlimit.
Section 4. Use Restrictions. Except as provided in Section 8 hereof, from and after the taking effect of this ordinance it shall be unlawful to put any land located within theairporthazardareatoanyofthefollowinguses:
(1) Any use which would create unreasonable interference with radio communication betweenaircraftandtheairportorcommunicationfacilitiesinthevicinitythereof, orwhichwouldunreasonablyinterferewithothernavigationalaidordevicesused by the airport or by aircraft using said airport, or with electronic navigational aids thatmayatthetimeofsuchinterferencebeestablishedforthevicinitythereof.
(2) Any use which would materially reduce the visibility within the aforementioned airporthazardareaorwhichwouldmakeitdifficultforflyersinthevicinityofor on the airport to distinguish between airport lights or markers or other naviga- tionallightsormarkersinthevicinityoftheairportorwhichwouldresultinglare intheeyesofflyersusingtheairport.
(3) The conduct of any business or occupation, or any use, which business, occupa- tion or use, by its very nature, is inherently dangerous or hazardous as respects likelihoodofcausingorresultingininjuryordamagetoaircraftortheoccupants thereofflyingtoandfromorinthevicinityofsaidairport,orpersonspresentator in the vicinity of said airport or lawfully in the vicinity thereof.
(4) Anyotheruseoruseswhichwouldbedangerousorhazardoustothesafetyof aircraft using the airport or maneuvering in the vicinity thereof or to the health, safety or general welfare of airport personnel and other persons using said air- port.
Section 5. Existin Nonconformin Uses. The height limits and use restrictions as provided herein or as may hereafter be provided in any amendment hereto, except as hereinafter provided in Section 6, subdivision 2 and Section 9, subdivision 2, shall in no eventbeconstruedtointerferewiththecontinuanceofanynonconforminguseortore- quiretheremoval, loweringorotherchangeoralterationofanyexistingnonconforming tree,orofanynonconforming structuretheconstruction oralterationofwhichwasbegun through the letting of contracts therefor prior to the effective date of this ordinance or amendment thereto and where such construction or alteration is prosecuted with rea- sonablediligence;providedthattheprovisionshereofshallnotbeconstruedasa limita- tionupontherightsconferreduponMACbyM.S.A.360.074.
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Section6. Permits. ApplicationshallbemadeandpermitprocuredfromtheMAC Zoning Committee created hereunder in each of the following instances and subject to the following conditions:
(1) Whereitisdesiredtoerectorlocatestructures,toincreasetheheightofexisting structures or to plant or transplant trees within the airport hazard area to a height inexcessoftenfeetbelowtheheightlimithereinprovidedwithrespectthereto.
(2) Whereitisdesiredtoreplace,substantiallyalterorrepair,rebuild,orrelocateany nonconforming structure or tree within the airport hazard area, provided, how- ever, that whenever the Committee determines that a nonconforming structure or tree within the airport hazard area has been abandoned or more than 80% torn down,destroyed,deterioratedordecayednopermitshallbegranted.
(3) No permit shall be granted that would allow the establishment or creation of an airporthazardorthatwouldpermita nonconformingstructureorfreeornoncon- forming use to be made or to become higher or to become a greater airport haz- ard than was the case under the applicable zoning regulations at the time when theapplicationforpermitwasmade.
(4) In granting any permit, the Committee may, if it deems such action advisableto effectuate the purpose of this ordinance and reasonable in the circumstances, so condition such permit as to require the owner of a structure or tree in question to permit the MAC at its own expense to install, operate and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be necessary to indicate to flyers the presence of an airport hazard.
(5) Whenever any person prior to erection, alteration or relocation of structures or planting or transplanting of trees within the airport hazard area makes a report of the contemplated erection, alteration or relocation of structures or the contem- plated planting or transplanting of trees within said airport hazard area, to the committee, the committee shall promptly investigate and determine whether or not there would be a violation of the ordinance; and if a violation be found the committee shall so advise such person, who shall thereupon alter his plans so as to meet the requirements ofthe ordinance.
Section 7. Variances. Any person desiring to erect or to locate any structure or to in- creasetheheightthereofortopermitthegrowthofanytreeorotherwisetouseproperty within the airport hazard area contrary to the provisions of this ordinance may apply to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board created hereunder for variance from the provi- sions of this 'ordinance. Such variance shall be allowed where literal application or en- forcementoftheprovisionsofthisordinancewouldresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnec- essary hardship to the applicant, and where the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest but would do substantial justice and would be in accordance with the spiritoftheseprovisions. Anyvariancemaybegranted,however,subjecttosuchrea- sonable conditions as the Board may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance, and the granting of such variance may be conditioned upon the owner of a structure or tree granting to the MAC the right at its expense to install, operate and maintainthereonsuchmarkersandlightsasmaybenecessaryto indicatetoflyersthe presenceofanairporthazard.
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(1) Two copies of an application for variance, indicating the facts surrounding such application in sufficient detail to permit a determination of the application on its merits,shallbefiledwiththeMACAirportZoningCommitteewhichshallforthwith transmit one copy to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board, the second copy beingretainedbytheCommitteeforitsfiles.
Section8.Administration. Fortheadministrationandenforcementoftheprovisionsof thisordinancethereisherebycreatedanadministrativeagencytobeknownastheMAC Airport Zoning Committee, the same to consist of three members. The said Committee shallincludeonememberoftheCommissionappointedbythesaidCommissiontorep- resent the City of Minneapolis, a second member of the Commission appointed by the said Commission to represent the City of Saint Paul and a third member who shall be theExecutiveDirectorofthesaidCommissionservingexofficio. Themembersofthe Committee,excepttheexofficiomember,shallserveatthepleasureoftheCommission. No compensation shall be paid members of the MAC Zoning Committee except reim- bursement of actual expense.
(1) The powers and duties of said administrative agency shall be as provided by Laws 1945, c. 303, as amended, M.S.A., sections 360.061-. 074.
(2) Where a nonconforming structure or tree within the airport hazard area has been abandoned or more than 80% torn down, destroyed, deteriorated or decayed, althoughnoapplicationforpermithasbeenmade,theCommitteemayorderthe owner of such nonconforming structure or tree at the owner's expense to lower, remove, reconstruct or equip the same as may be necessary to conform to this ordinance, in which case the Committee shall give notice thereof to the owner, and if the owner shall neglect or refuse to comply with such order for ten days after notice is given, then the Committee may proceed to have such noncon- forming structure or tree lowered, removed reconstructed or equipped and as- sess the cost and expense thereof against such structure or against the land whereon such structure or tree is or was located. Unless such an assessment is paidwithinninetydaysfromthedateofserviceofnoticethereofontheowneror
uponthepersoninpossessionofsuchstructureortreeorofthelanduponwhich thesameisorwaslocated,thesumdueshallbearinterestattherateof8%per annumuntilpaidandmaybecollectedeitherbysuitina courtofcompetentju- risdictionorinthesamemannerasaregeneraltaxes. Noticeaforesaidshallbe inwritingandservedinthesamemannerasa summonsina civilaction.
(3) ApplicationsforpermitsshallbemadetotheCommitteeonformspreparedand furnishedbyit. Theformsshallprovidefora statementbyapplicantofthepur- pose for which the permit is applied, and for statement of applicant of all facts pertinenttothequestionwhetherornottheapplicationshouldbegranted. Such applications shall be promptly considered and the permit granted or denied by the Committee, notice in writing of the Committee's decision to be promptly de- livered or mailed to the applicant.
(4) All reports made pursuant to Section 6 hereof shall be received by the Commit- teeandshallbereviewedbyitpromptlytodeterminewhetherthereisanairport hazard,andiffoundthatthereisone,noticeinwritingofsuchfindingsettingforth the reasons therefor shall be promptly delivered or mailed to the person making such report.
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(5) All applications for variance shall be received by the Committee, which shall forthwithtransmitthecopyofsuchapplicationtotheMACAirportZoningAppeal Board,retaininga secondcopyofsuchapplicationfortheCommittee'sfiles. The Committee shall be represented at all hearings on applications for variance be- foretheBoardunlessitshallattachitswrittenapprovaltotheapplicationforvari- anceontransmitting ittotheBoard.
(6) TheCommitteeshallhaveitsofficeattheofficeoftheMAC. Itshallkeepandfile initssaidofficerecordsofallitsproceedings,allapplicationsforpermitsandre- portsandofactionthereon. TheCommitteeshallalsokeeponfilea recordofall variancesgrantedbytheMACAirportZoningAppealBoard. Thefilesofthe Committee shall be open to the public.
(7) The majority vote ofthe members shall control on all matters coming before it.
Section9. BoardofAd'ustment. Thereisherebycreateda MACAirportZoningAp- pealBoardconsistingoffivemembers. TwomembersshallbeappointedbytheCom- missionfromtheCityofMinneapolis,twomembersshallbeappointedbytheCommis- sionfromtheCityofSaintPaul,andthefifthmembershallbeappointedbya majority voteoftheotherfourmembers. NomemberoftheMACAirportZoningAppealBoard maybea memberoftheMACAirportZoningCommittee. Eachmembershallservefor a termofthreeyearsanduntilhissuccessorisappointedandallmembersshallbere- movable by the Commission for cause upon written charges and after notice and op- portunity for public hearing before the Commission. The powers and duties of said BoardshallbeasprovidedbyLaws1945,c.303asamended,M.S.A.Sections360.061-
. 074.
Section 10. A eals.
Any person aggrieved or taxpayer affected by any decision of the MAC Airport Zoning Committee made in its administration of this ordinance, or the Commis- sionoranygoverningbodyoradministrativeagencyofa politicalsubdivision,if of the opinion that a decision of said Committee is an improper application of air- port zoning regulations of concern of such Commission, governing body or ad- ministrative agency, may appeal to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board from the decisionofthe Committee.
All appeals must be taken within a reasonabletime, as provided by the rules of the Board, by filing with the Committee and with the Board a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Committee shall forthwith transmit to the Board all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken.
An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unlesstheCommitteecertifiestotheBoardafternoticeofappealhasbeenfiled with it that by reason of the facts set forth in the certificate a stay would in its opinioncauseimminentperiltolifeorproperty. Insuchcase,proceedingsshall not be stayed otherwise than by order of the Board on due notice to the Com- mittee and on due cause shown.
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MAC Ordinance 6
(4) TheBoardshallfixa reasonabletimeforthehearingofappeals,givepublicno- tice and due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a rea- sonabte time. Upon the hearing any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney.
(5) The Board may in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance reverse or af- firm wholly or partly or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination asoughttobemade,andtothatendthe Boardshallhaveallthepowersofthe MACAirportZoningCommitteefromwhichtheappealistaken.
Section 11. Judicial Review. Any person aggrieved or taxpayer affected by any deci- sionoftheMACAirportZoningAppealBoard,oranygoverningbodyoradministrative agency ofa political subdivision which is ofthe opinion that a decision ofthe Committee is illegal will have such right of judicial review as is provided in Minnesota Laws 1945, Chapter303as amendeduponexhaustingthe administrat'iveremedieshereinprovided.
(1) In any case in which provision or provisions ofthis Ordinance are held by a court tointerferewiththeuseorenjoymentofa particularstructureorparceloflandto such an extent or to be so onerous in their application to such a structure or par- eel of land as to constitute a taking or deprivation of that property in violation of the constitutior of this state or of the United States, such holding shall not affect theapplicationofsuchprovisionsastootherstructuresandparcelsofland.
Section 12. Violation and Penal . Every person who within the airport hazard area shall construct, locate or maintain, substantially change or substantially alter or repair any existing structure or plant, transplant or permit the growth of any tree or make use of property contrary to the terms of this ordinance, or who having been granted a permit or varianceas herein provided, shall construct, locate, substantiallychangeor substantially alterorrepairanyexistinggrowthorstructureorpermitthegrowthofanytreeexceptas permitted by such permit or variance, or who otherwise shall violate the terms hereof or regulations, orders or rules promulgated hereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andshallbepunishedbyafineofnotmorethan$300orimprisonmentfornotmorethan 90daysorbybothsuchfineandimprisonment. Eachdaya violationcontinuestoexist shall constitute a separate offense, provided however, that where a report has been madeandfiledwiththeMACAirportZoningCommitteeashereinprovided,forthepur-
poses of this section there shall be no violation within the meaning of this section until the Committee has given notice that the alteration, erection or location of strudures or planingortransplantingoftrees, in respectto whichsuchreportismadeandfiled,con- stitutesanairporthazardinviolationofthisordinance,andreasonableopportunityhas been given to remove the hazard. As amended b MAC Ordinance 39 ado ted and in effect Janua 10 1972
(1) Inaddition,theMACmayinstituteinanycourtofcompetentjurisdictionanaction to prevent, restrain,correctorabateanyviolationofthisordinanceorofregula- tions,ordersorrulingspromulgatedhereunder,andthecourtshalladjudgetothe Commissionsuchreliefbywayofinjunction(whichmaybemandatory)orother- wiseasmaybeproperunderallthefactsandcircumstancesofthecaseinorder to fully effectuate the purposes of this ordinance and of regulations, orders and
rulings promulgated pursuant thereto.
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MACOrdinance 6
Section 13. Severabilit . If any of the provisions of this ordinance or the application thereoftoanypersonorcircumstanceisheldinvalid,suchinvalidityshallnotaffectother provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable.
Section 14. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption.
Passed by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission on the 25thday ofAugust, 1952.
FiledintheofficeoftheSecretaryofStateonthe2 dayofSeptember, 1952. Mapfiledonthe10*dayofSeptember, 1952.
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An Ordinanceregulatingthe helghthof structures andtrees andthe useofthe property inthevicinityofLakeElmoAirport.
WHEREAS, the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission considers it necessaryfor the purpose of promoting public health, safety, order, convenience and general welfare by protecting the lives and property of users of the Lake Elmo Airport andofownersandoccupantsoflandinitsvicinitytoadoptthefollowingairportzoning ordinance applicable to Lake Elmo Airport as authorized by Minnesota Laws 1945, Chapter303asamended,M.S.A.360.061-360.074.
TheMinneapolis-SaintPaul MetropolitanAirportsCommissiondoesordain:
Section 1. Definitions. As used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise re- quires:
(1) "Airport" means the Lake Elmo Airport, a public airport owned and being oper- ated,maintainedanddevelopedbytheCommission.
(2) "Airporthazard"meansanystructureortreeoruseofland,whichobstructsthe air space required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the airport or isotherwisehazardoustosuchlandingortakingoffofaircraft.
(3) "Airporthazardarea"meanstheareaoflandorwaterorbothuponwhichanair- porthazardmightexistifnotpreventedasprovidedinthisordinance.
(4) "Person"meansany individual,firm, partnership, corporation, company, associa- tion,jointstockassociationorbodypolitic,andincludesanytrustee,receiver,as- signeeorothersimilarrepresentativethereof.
(5) "Nonconforming use" means any structure, tree or use of land, which does not conform to a regulation prescribed in this ordinance or any amendment thereto asoftheeffectivedateofsuchregulationoramendment.
(6) "Structure" means any object constructed or installed by man including but with- out limitation buildings, towers, smoke stacks and overhead transipission lines.
(7) "Tree"meansandincludesanyobjectofnaturalgrowth.
(8) Zoning "map" means the Lake Elmo Airport Zoning Map hereto attached and made a part ofthis ordinance.
(9) "Master Plan" means the established airport layout as shown by Commission's Plan#3975,Drawing4,heretoattachedandmadea partofthisordinance.
(10) "Airport reference point" means the center point of the airport hazard area, as designated on the zoning map.
(11) "Commission"means Minneapolis-SaintPaul Metropolitan Airports Commission, herein referred to as MAC.
MAC Ordinance 7
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(12) "Committee" meansthe MACAirportZoningCommittee.
(13) "Board" means the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board.
(14) "Public notice" shall mean notice published at least twice with an interval of at leastsevendaysbetweenpublicationdatesintheofficialnewspaperofthecities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, and of the county in which the airport is located.
Section 2. Ai ort Hazard Area Air ort Reference Point And Zones. The airport hazard area is the area surrounding the airport reference point as designated on the zoningmapandisdividedintozonesasshownonthezoningmap,inrespecttowhich zones height limits as hereinafter set forth will apply:
(1) Thelandingzonesarestripswithintheconfinesoftheairportboundaries,desig- natedinblackonthemap,andalongwrtiichlandingsandtake-offsaremadeand taxiing is done.
(2) The approach zones are trapezoidal areas which extend beyond the ends of all landing zones as indicated on the zoning map.
(3) Thehorizontalsurfacezonesareareashavingradiiof5,000feetfromtheairport reference point and are shown on the zoning map.
(4) The conical surface zones are areas lying immediately beyond the horizontal surface zones having to their outer limits a radius of 8, 000 feet from the airport referencepointasshownonthezoningmap.
(5) The transition zones are irregular areas lying just outside of approach zones as shown on the zoning map.
Section 3. Hei ht Limits. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, no structure shallbelocated,constructed,alteredormaintained,andnotreeshallbeallowedtogrow above height limits hereinafter established within any landing zone, approach zones, horizontal surface zones, conical surface zone or transition zone, said heights being measured in feet above established elevations as follows:
(1) Withinlandingzones- theelevationofthesurfaceofthelandingstripsexceptas requiredandasnecessaryandincidentaltoairportoperationsorasmayberec- ommended by or be in accordance with rules ofthe Civil Aeronautics Administra- tion.
(2) Within approach zones - the established elevation for the beginning of each ap- proachzoneasshownontheMasterPlan,plusonefootofheightforevery30 feetofhorizontaldistancemeasuredalongthecenterlineoftheapproachzone fromtheendnearestthelandingzonetoa pointonsaidcenteriineatrightangles to the structure or tree in question.
(3) Withinhorizontalsurfacezones-150feetabovetheestablishedelevationofthe airport, said established airport elevation being mean sea level elevation 869 feet.
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MAC Ordinance 7
(4) Within conical surface zones - The elevation of the horizontal surface zone at 5, 000 feet from the airport reference point plus one foot of height for every 20 feetofhorizontaldistanceto8,000feetfromtheairportreferencepoint.
(5) Withintransitionzones- Theheightlimitpermittedata pointonthecenteriineof thenearestapproachzoneatrightanglestothestructureortreeinquestionplus one foot in height for every seven feet of horizontal distance from the nearest sideboundaryofsaidlandingorapproachzoneto suchstructureortreemeas- ured along a line at right angles to the centerline of such landing or approach zone.
(6) Wherezonesoverlap,theheightlimitshallbethatofthezoneimposingthemore stringent height limit.
Section 4. Use Restrictions. Except as provided in Section 8 hereof, from and afterthetakingeffectofthisordinanceitshallbeunlawfultoputanylandlocatedwithin theairporthazardareatoanyofthefollowinguses:
(1) Any use which would create unreasonable interference with radio communication betweenaircraftandtheairportorcommunicationfacilitiesinthevicinitythereof, orwhichwouldunreasonablyinterferewithothernavigationalaidordevicesused bytheairportorbyaircraftusingsaidairport,orwithelectronicnavigationalaids thatmayatthetimeofsuchinterferencebeestablishedforthevicinHythereof.
(2) Any use which would materially reduce the visibility within the aforementioned airporthazardareaorwhichwouldmakeitdifficultforflyersinthevicinityofor on the airport to distinguish behween airport lights or markers or other naviga- tional tights or markers in the vicinity of the airport, or which would result in glare intheeyes offlyers usingthe airport.
(3) The conduct of any business or occupation, or any use, which business, occupa- tion or use, by its very nature is inherently dangerous or hazardous as respects likelihood of causing or resulting in injury or damage to aircraft or the occupants thereof flying to and from or in the vicinity of said airport, or persons present at or inthevicinityofsaidairportorlawfullyinthevicinitythereof.
(4) Any other use or uses which would be dangerous or hazardous to the safety of aircraft using the airport or maneuvering in the vicinity thereof or to the health, safety or general welfare of airport personnel and other persons using said air- port.
Section 6. Exlstln Nonconformln Uses. The height limits and use restrictions as provided herein or as may hereafter be provided in any amendment hereto, except as hereinafterprovidedin Section6, subdivision2 andSection9, subdivision2 shallin no eventbeconstruedto interferewiththecontinuanceofanynonconforminguseorto re- quire the removal, lowering or other change or alteration of any existing nonconforming tree, orofanynonconforming structure theconstruction oralteration ofwhichwasbegun through the letting of contracts therefor prior to the effective date of this ordinance or amendment thereto and where such construction or alteration is prosecuted with rea- sonabtediligence;providedthattheprovisionshereofshallnotbeconstruedasa limita- tion upon the rights conferred upon MAC by M. S.A. 360. 074
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Section 6. Permits. Application shall be made and permit procured from the MAC Zoning Committee created hereunder in each of the following instances and subject to the following conditions:
(1) Where it is desired to erect or locate structures, to increase the height of existing
structures or to plant or transplant trees within the airports hazard area to a
height in excess of ten feet below the height limit herein provided with respect thereto.
(2) Where it is desired to replace, substantially alter or repair, rebuild or relocate any nonconforming structure or tree within the airport hazard area, provided, how- ever,thatwhenevertheCommitteedeterminesthata nonconformingstructureor tree within the airport hazard area has been abandoned or more than 80% torn down,destroyed,deterioratedordecayednopermitshallbegranted.
(3) No permit shall be granted that would allow the establishment or creation of an airporthazardorthatwouldpermita nonconformingstructureortreeornoncon- formingusetobemadeortobecomehigherortobecomea greaterairporthaz- ard than was the case under the applicable zoning regulations at the time when the applicationfor permitwasmade.
(4) In granting any permit, the Committee may, if it deems such action advisableto effectuatethe purpose ofthis ordinance and reasonable in the drcumstances, so conditionsuchpermitastorequiretheownerofa structureortreeinquestionto permittheMACatitsownexpenseto install,operateandmaintainthereonsuch markersandlightsasmaybenecessarytoindicatetoflyersthepresenceofan airport hazard.
(5) Whenever any person prior to erection, alteration or relocation of structures or plantingortransplantingoftreeswithintheairporthazardareamakesa reportof the contemplated erection, alteration or relocation of structures or the contem- plated planting or transplanting of trees within said airport hazard area, to the committee, the committee shall promptly investigate and determine whether or not there would be a violation of the ordinance; and if a violation be found, the committeeshallsoadvisesuchperson,whoshallthereuponalterhisplanssoas to meetthe requirementsoftheordinance.
Section 7. Variances. Any person desiring to erect or to locate any structure or to in- creasetheheightthereofortopermitthegrowthofanytreeorotherwisetouseproperty withintheairporthazardareacontrarytotheprovisionsofthisordinancemayapplyto the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board created hereunder for variance from the provi- sionsofthisordinance. Suchvarianceshallbeallowedwhereliteralapplicationoren- forcement ofthe provisions ofthis ordinance would result in practical difficulty or unnec- essary hardship to the applicant, and where the relief granted would not be contrary to thepublicinterestbutwoulddosubstantialjusticeandwouldbeinaccordancewiththe spiritoftheseprovisions. Anyvariancemaybegranted,however,subjecttosuchrea- sonable conditions as the Board may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance, and the granting of such variance may be conditioned upon the owner of a structure or tree granting to the MAC the right at its expense to install, operate and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be necessary to indicate to flyers the presence of an airport hazard.
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(1) Two copies of an applicationfor variance, indicatingthe facts surroundingsuch application in sufficient detail to permit a determination of the application on its merits, shall be filed with the MAC Airport Zoning Committee which shall forthwith transmit one copy to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board, the second copy being retained bythe Committee for itsfiles.
Section8, Administration. Fortheadministrationandenforcementoftheprovisionsof this ordinance there is hereby created an administrative agency to be known as the MAC AirportZoningCommittee, thesameto consistofthreemembers. ThesaidCommittee shallincludeonememberoftheCommissionappointedbythesaidCommissionto rep- resenttheCityofMinneapolis,a secondmemberoftheCommissionappointedbythe saidCommissionto representtheCityofSaintPaulanda thirdmemberwhoshallbe theExecutiveDirectorofthesaidCommissionservingexofficio. Themembersofthe Committee, excepttheexofficiomember,shallserveatthepleasureoftheCommission. No compensation shall be paid members of the MAC Zoning Committee except reim- bureement of actual expense.
(1) The powers and duties of said administrative agency shall be as provided by Laws 1945, c. 303, as amended, M. S.A., sections 360. 061-. 074.
(2) Where a nonconforming structure or tree within the airport hazard area has been abandoned or more than 80% torn down, destroyed, deteriorated or decayed, althoughnoapplicationfor permithasbeenmade,theCommitteemayorderthe owner of such nonconforming structure or tree at the owner's expense to lower, remove,reconstructorequipthesameasmaybenecessarytoconformtothis ordinance, in which case the Committee shall give notice thereof to the owner, and if the owner shall neglect or refuse to comply with such order for ten days after notice is given, then the Committee may proceed to have such noncon- forming structure or tree lowered, removed reconstructed or equipped and as- sess the cost and expense thereof against such structure or against the land whereonsuchstructureorfreeisorwaslocated. Unlesssuchanassessmentis paidwithinninetydaysfromthedateofserviceofnoticethereofontheowneror uponthepersonin possessionofsuchstructureortreeorofthelanduponwhich thesameisorwaslocated,thesumdueshallbearinterestattherateof8%per annumuntilpaidandmaybecollectedeitherbysuitina courtofcompetentju- risdictionorinthesamemannerasaregeneraltaxes. Noticeaforesaidshallbe inwritingandservedinthesamemannerasa summonsina civilaction.
(3) Applicationsfor permits shall be made to the Committee on forms prepared and furnishedbyit. Theformsshallprovideforastatementbyapplicantofthepur- pose for which the permit is applied, and for statement of applicant of all facts pertinenttothequestionwhetherornottheapplicationshouldbegranted. Such applications shall be promptly considered and the permit granted or denied by the Committee, notice in writing of the Committee's decision to be promptly de- liveredormailedtotheapplicant.
(4) All reports made pursuant to Section 6 hereof shall be received by the Commit- tee and shall be reviewed by it promptly to determine whether there is an airport hazard,and iffoundthatthereis one, noticeinwritingofsuchfindingsettingforth the reasons therefor shall be promptly delivered or mailed to the person making such report.
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(5) All applications for variance shall be received by the Committee, which shall forthwith transmit the copy of such application to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board,retaininga secondcopyofsuchapplicationfortheCommittee'sfiles. The Committee shall be represented at all hearings on applicationsfor variance be- foretheBoardunlessitshallattachitswrittenapprovaltotheapplicationforvari- ance on transmitting it to the Board.
(6) TheCommitteeshallhaveitsofficeattheofficeoftheMAC. Itshallkeepandfile in its said officerecords of all its proceedings, all applicationsfor permits and re- portsandofactionthereon. TheCommitteeshallalsokeeponfilea recordofall variances granted by the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board. The files of the Committeeshallbeopentothepublic.
(7) The majority vote ofthe members shall control on all matters coming before it.
Section9. BoardofAdustment. Thereisherebycreateda MACAirportZoningAp- pealBoardconsistingoffivemembers. TwomembersshallbeappointedbytheCom- missionfrom the City of Minneapolis, two members shall be appointed by the Commis- sion from the City of Saint Paul, and the fifth member shall be appointed by a majority vote of the other four members. No member of the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board maybea memberoftheMACAirportZoningCommittee. Eachmembershallservefor a termofthreeyearsanduntilhissuccessorisappointed,andallmembersshallbere- movablebytheCommissionforcauseuponwrittenchargesandafternoticeandop- portunity for public hearing before the Commission. The powers and duties of said Board shall be as provided by Laws 1945, c. 303, as amended, M.S.A. Sections 360. 061-. 074.
Section 10. A eals.
(1) Any person aggrieved or taxpayer affected by any decision of the MAC Airport Zoning Committee made in its administration of this ordinance, or the Commis- sion or any governing body or administrativeagencyof a political subdivision, if oftheopinionthata decisionofsaidCommittee isanimproperapplicationofair- port zoning regulations of concern of such Commission, governing body or ad- ministrative agency, may appeal to the MAC Airport Zoning Appeal Board from the decision ofthe Committee.
(2) All appeals must be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of the Board, by filing with the Committee and with the Board a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Committee shall forthwith transmit to the Board all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from wastaken.
(3) Anappealshallstayallproceedingsinfurtheranceoftheactionappealedfrom unlesstheCommitteecertifiestotheBoardafternoticeofappealhasbeenfiled with it that by reason of the facts set forth in the certificate a stay would in its opinioncauseimminentperiltolifeorproperty. Insuchcase,proceedingsshall not be stayed otherwisethan by order of the Board on due notice to the Com- mittee and on due cause shown.
MAC Ordinance 7
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MACOrdinance 7
(4) The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing <rfappeals, give public no- tice and due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a rea- sonabletime. Uponthehearinganypartymayappearinpersonorbyagentor by attorney.
(5) TheBoardmayinconformitywiththeprovisionsofthisordinancereverseoraf- firm wholly or partly or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealedfromandmaymakesuchorder,requirement,decisionordetermination asoughttobemade,andtothatendtheBoardshallhaveallthepowersofthe MACAirportZoningCommitteefromwhichtheappealistaken.
Section11. JudicialReview. Anypersonaggrievedortaxpayeraffectedbyanyded- sionoftheMACAirportZoningAppealBoard,oranygoverningbodyoradministrative agencyofa politicalsubdivisionwhichisoftheopinionthata decisionoftheCommittee is illegal will have such right ofjudicial review as is provided in Minnesota Laws 1945, Chapter 303 as amended upon exhausting the administrative remedies herein provided.
(1) Inanycaseinwhichprovisionorprovisionsofthisordinanceareheldbya court tointerferewiththeuseorenjoymentofa particularstructureorparceloflandto such an extent or to be so onerous in their application to such a sta-ucture or par- eeloflandastoconstitutea takingordeprivationofthatpropertyinviolationof the constitution of this state or of the United States, such holding shall not affect the application of such provisions as to other structures and parcels of land.
Section12. ViolationandPenalties. Everypersonwhowithintheairporthazardarea shall construct, locate or maintain, substantially change or substantially alter or repair anyexistingstructureorplant,transplantorpermitthegrowthofanytreeormakeuseof propertycontrarytothetermsofthisordinance,orwhohavingbeengranteda permitor varianceashereinprovided,shallconstruct, locate,substantiallychangeorsubstantially alter or repair any existing growth or structure or permit the growth of any tree except as permitted by such permit or variance, or who otherwise shall violate the terms hereof or regulations, orders or rules promulgated hereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andshallbepunishedbya fineofnotmorethan$300orimprisonment fornotmorethan 90daysorbybothsuchfineandimprisonment. Eachdaya violationcontinuestoexist shall constitute a separate offense, provided, however, that where a report has been madeandfiled with the MACAirport Zoning Committee as herein provided, for the pur- poses of this section there shall be no violation within the meaning of this section until the Committee has given notice that the alteration, erection or location of structures or planting ortransplanting oftrees, in respect to which such report is made andfiled, con- stitutes an airport hazard in violation of this ordinance, and reasonable opportunity has been given to remove the hazard. As amended b MAC Ordinance 39 ado ted and in effect Janua 10 1972
(1) Inaddition,the MACmayinstitutein anycourtof competentjurisdictionanaction to prevent, restrain, correct or abate any violation of this ordinance or of regula- tions, orders or rulings promulgated hereunder, and the court shall adjudge to the Commission suchreliefbywayofinjunction(whichmaybemandatory)orother- wise as may be proper under all the facts and circumstances of the case in order to fully effectuate the purposes of this ordinance and of regulations, orders and rulings promulgated pursuantthereto.
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Section13. Severabili . Ifanyoftheprovisionsofthisordinanceortheapplication thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other prowsionsorapplicationsoftheordinancewhichcanbegiveneffectwithouttheinvalid provisionorapplication,andtothisendtheprovisionsofthisordinancearedeclaredto be severable.
Section 14. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption.
PassedbytheMinneapolis-Saint PaulMetropolitan AirportsCommission onthe25thday ofAugust, 1952,
FiledintheofficeoftheSecretaryofStateonthe2nddayofSeptember, 1952. Mapfiledonthe10thdayofSeptember, 1952.
MAC Onllnance 7
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An Ordinance regulating the use to be made of the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast-Southwest Runway at Wold-Chamberlain Field, and providing penalties for violations thereof.
Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, a public corporation, organizedandoperatingunderMinn.Stat. 1953,360.101-360.125,doesordain,asand with respect to the use to be made of the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast- SouthwestRunwayatWold-Chamberlain Fieldasfollows:
Section 1. The northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast-Southwest Runway shall not be used for landings by non-military aircraft of any kind or type, or for takeoffs by such aircraftexceptwhenwindconditionsrequireitsusefortakeoffsintheinterestofsafety.
Section2. Useofthesaid1,000feetofsaidrunwayshallbepermittedfortaxiingby anyaircraftandforoverrunsinlandingsbyanyaircraftlandingfromtheSouthwest.
Section3. TheAirForceatitssoleexpenseshallbepermittedtoconstructandoperate aircraft arresting barriers 100 feet or thereabouts to the northeast of the northeasterly 1,000 feet of said runway, and to surface the space between said northeast end of said runway and said barriers provided such construction and operation is approved by the RegionalAdministratoroftheCM, itbeingunderstoodthatthesurfacingofsaidspace shallnotbeconstruedasanextensionofsaidNortheast-SouthwestRunway.
Section4, UpontheremovalofthejetplaneactivitiesofthemilitaryforcesfromWold- Chamberlain Field the northeasterly 1,000 feet of said Northeast-Southwest Runway shallnotthereafterbereconstructed,resurfacedorInanymannerbereconditionedfor usefor runwaypurposes.
Section5. Theforegoingconditionsastotheusetobemadeofthenortheasterly1,000 feet of the Northeast-Southwest Runway shall be implemented by identification of said 1,000 feet by appropriate painted and lighted markings; by the publication of this Ordinanceandthefilingthereofwith proofofpublicationwiththeSecretaryofStateof theStateofMinnesota;byserviceofthisOrdinanceon,bythedeliveryofcopiesthereof totheAirForce,the Navy,theairlinesandallotherusersofsaidnortheasterly1,000feet of said runway; and by delivery of a copy of this Ordinance to the Civil Aeronautics Administrator for use of the several divisions of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, including airport traffic control, airway traffic control, air carriers, aviation safety and airports, with the request to said Civil Aeronautics Administrator that such agencies be requested at appropriate times and places to notify all users of Wold-Chamberlain Field
oftheconditionsimposedwithrespecttotheuseofsaidnortheasterly1,000feetofsaid runway.
Section6. TheCommissionshallinstitutefromtimetotimeasnecessitymayrequire, a suit or suits for an injunction or injunctions to enforce compliance with this Ordinance.
Section 7. Any person, as defined in Minn. Stat. 1953, 360. 102, Subd. 7, violating any oftheprovisionsofthisOrdinanceshalluponconvictionbepunishedbyimprisonment in jailorworkhousefornotmorethan90daysorbya fineofnomorethan$300.orboth.
As amended b MAC Ordinance 39 ado ted and in effect loa* Janua 1972 .
Sections8. ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinforcefromandafterthefiling thereof with proof of publication in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota,whichsaidfilingshallbemadewithintwenty(20)daysaftertheadoptionof suchOrdinance,allasprovidedbyMinn.Stat.1953,360.105,Subd. 17.
Adopted and enacted at the regular meeting of Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan AirportsCommissionheldon May6, 1957.
The matter of the identification of the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast- Southwest Runway at Wold-Chamberlain Field, pursuant to Commission's Ordinance No. 10, Section 5 thereof, enacted by the Commission at its meeting of May 6, 1957, came up for consideration and following explanation of the matter, Commissioner
presented and moved the adoption and enactment of an Ordinance, supplementing and amending Commission's Ordinance No. 10, to be designated as Commission's Ordinance No. 11, reading as follows:
AnOrdinancesupplementingandamendingCommission'sOrdinanceNo.10,regulating theusetobemadeofthenortheasteriy 1,000feetoftheNortheast-Southwest Runway at Wold-Chamberiain Field, and providing penalties for violations thereof.
Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission does ordain that Commission's Ordinance No. 10 be supplemented and amended by adding thereto a section to be designated as Section 9, reading as follows:
Section9. Theidentificationofthenortheasterly1,000feetoftheNortheast-Southwest Runway,Wold-Chamberlain Field,beasfollows:
(a) That the relocated threshold and the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast-Southwest Runway be marked by white paint on the runway in accordance with CAA Drawing No. 925 dated 12-05-55 entitled "Proposed standard for marking runway ends not usable for landings";
(b) That the relocated threshold and the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the runway be lighted in accordance with TSO-Nlc and AGA-NS7, the relocated threshold lights to be green and the original threshold lights and the runway lights along the northeasterly 1,000 feet of the Northeast- Southwest Runway to be revised to show red In the approach direction and clear in the takeoffdirection;
such identification, (a) and (b) being as indicated on Commission's 2690 K5 Drawing 2 dated June 11, 1957, as revised July 12, 1957, the same beingonfilewithandpartoftherecordsoftheCommission.
(c) That notice of said identification and copy of this Ordinance, Ordinance No. 11, be served on all parties mentioned in Section 5 of Ordinance No. 10 and as therein provided; and that said Ordinance No. 11 be published and such Ordinance with proof of publication thereof be filed with the SecretaryofStateoftheStateofMinnesota,allasbylawrequired.
MAC Ordinance 11
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Commissioner seconded the motion, and the same was carried unanimouslyandsaidOrdinanceNo. 11,supplementingandamendingsaidOrdinance No. 10,wasadoptedandenactedunanimouslyonthefollowingroll callvote:
Nays: None Absent: None,
and the said motion was declared carried and the said Ordinance, Ordinance No. 11, amendingsaidOrdinanceNo. 10wasdeclaredadoptedandenacted.
MAC Ordinance 11
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An Ordinance to promote and serve public convenience and welfare in furtherance of management and operation of Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport-Wold- Chamberlain Field; to require reporting by fixed base operators on a daily basis to the Commission covering transient aircraft operations to, at or from the airport; and to prescribepenahiesforviolationthereof.
The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission does ordain:
Section 1. - DEFINITIONS: The following words and phrases when used in this ordinanceshallhavethemeaningsrespectivelyascribedtothem:
1. 1
1. 2 1.3
1. 4
AIRPORT - Mlnneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport-Wold-Chamberlain Field, a public airport under the supervision, operation, direction and control of the Commission, and located in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota.
COMMISSION - The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, a publiccorporationandagencyoftheStateofMinnesota.
FIXED BASE OPERATOR - A commercial operator at the airport whose operationsunderagreementwiththeCommissionencompasssomeorallofthe following: The furnishing of services such as aircraft storage, aircraft repairs, aircraft flight instruction, air charter flights, and sale of aircraft, aircraft parts and equipment,aviationfuelandotherpetroleumproductsforuseinaircraft.
TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT - Aircraft, not having the airport as its home base, makinguseoftheairportforcharter,airtaxi,personalorbusinessuseotherthan first and second level air carriers operating under certificate of convenience and necessity from regulatory agency of the Federal government or a Minnesota regulatory agency on scheduled flights or otherwise incident to such air carrier or permitted use of the airport pursuant to operating and leasing agreements with the Commission.
MAC Ordinance 35
Each fixed base operator at the airport shall keep a daily log on form furnished by the office of the airport director of the airport, covering the following information as to transient aircraft operations to, at or from each such fixed base operator's area of operationattheairport,to-wit:
(1) The make, model and license numberofeachtransientaircraft,
(2) Thenameofthetransientaircraftownerandowner'saddressorthehomebase of such aircraft,
(3) Dateofarrivaltoand/ordeparturefromtheairport, (4) Ifdeparting,theannounceddestination,
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MAC Ordinance 35
(5) Thenumberofarrivingand/ordepartingpassengersincludingcrew,
(6) Thenumberofpoundsoffreightorcargooff-loadedand/oron-loading, and
(7) nature ofoperation.
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MAC Ordinance 37
An Ordinance of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission relating to the management and operatton of its airports, adopted to promote the public safety and welfare and to protect the public interest in labor-management peace thereat; prohibiting the use of professional strikebreakers; and prescribing the penalties for violation thereof.
The Minneapolis-SaintPaul Metropolitan Airports Commission doesordain:
Section 1. The Commission finds that the recruiting, procuring, supplying or referring for purposes of employment and the employment of and service through employment as a professionalstrikebreaker,ashereinafterdefined,inthecourseoflabordisputesatthe Commission's airports contributes to industrial strife and endangers the peace, safety andwelfareofthepublicintheiruseofsaidairports.
Section2. Whenusesherein,theterms"person"includesindividuals,partnerships, corporations,associations,andfirms,andanyofficer,employee,oragentthereof;"labor dispute" includes any controversy between an employer and his employees which results in a strike or lockout; "professional strikebreaker" includes any person who repeatedlysecuresorseekstosecuregainfulemploymentbyofferingtotaketheplace oforreplaceanyemployeeabsentfromhispositionbecauseofa labordispute;securing or seeking to secure such employment more than twice within the period of one calendar yearatanyofCommission'sairportsorelsewhereshallconstituteprimafacieevidence thatthepersoninvolvedisa professionalstrikebreaker.
Section 3.
(a) No person shall recruit, procure, supply or refer for purposes of employment any professional strikebreaker in place of any employee involvedina labordisputeinwhichsuchpersonisnotdirectlyinvolved.
(b) Nopersoninvolvedina labordisputeshall,eitherdirectlyorindirectly:
(1) employ in the place of any empkiyee involved in such labor dispute any professional strikebreaker during the course of the labordispute; or
(2) contract or arrange with any other person to recruit, procure, supply or refer for purposes of employment any professional strikebreaker in place of employees involved in such a labor dispute.
(c) Noprofessionalstrikebreakershalltakeoroffertotaketheplaceofany employeeinvolvedina labordisputeduringthecourseofthatdispute.
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Section4. Nothingcontainedhereinshallbeconstmedtopreventorprohibitaperson involved in a labor dispute from conducting lawful business operations so long as such operationsdo not includethe employmentof professionalstrikebreakers.
Section5. Anypersonviolatinganyprovisionhereofshallbeguiltyofa misdemeanor for which sentence of not more than ninety (90) days or a fine of not more than $300. 00, or both, may be imposed.
Section6. ThisOrdinance,uponfilingofthesamewithpn3ofofpublicationwiththe Secretary of State ofthe State of Minnesota, shall thereafter be in full force and effect.
Adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission on the 5thday ofJanuary,1970byseven(7)votesfor, novotesagainst,andtwo(2)absent.
Published in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, a legal newspaper of the City of Saint-Paut on the8ttdayofJanuary,1970.
PublishedinFinanceandCommerce,a legalnewspaperoftheCityofMinneapolison the 81hdayofJanuary, 1970.
FiledwithproofofpublicationintheofficeoftheSecretaryofStateonthe16thdayof January, 1970.
MAC Ordinance 37
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An Ordinance, adopted to conform to the penalty requirements as set out in Chapter 27 Minnesota Extra Session Laws 1971 and Chapter 739 Minnesota Session Laws 1969; amending Ordinance No. 12 and revoking Ordinance No. 36 heretofore adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission to apply the penalties as prescribedby State lawfor violation of CommissionordinancesincludingtrafHcviolations; establishing those traffic violations determined to be petty misdemeanors thereunder; to carry into effect the purposes of the Commission's organic law relating to the internal operationsoftheCommissionandtothemanagementandoperationofitsairports,and more particulariy violations covered by Commission ordinances adopted under Minnesota laws and more particulariy under Minnesota Statutes §360. 107, Subd. 17.
The Minneapolis-SaintPaulMetropolitanAirportsCommissiondoesordain:
SECTION1 - Section5 ofOrdinanceNo.12oftheMinneapolis-SaintPaulMetropolitan AirportsCommissionbeandherebyisamendedtoread:
Section 5. Violations of the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute petty misdemeanors consistent with and to the extent that such violations under Chapter 27, Minnesota Extra Session Laws 1971 are so considered as petty misdemeanors. The penalty for violations constituting petty misdemeanors, upon conviction, shall be a fine of not more than $100. Violations of the provisions of this ordinance which, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 27, Minnesota Extra Session Laws 1971 do not constitute petty misdemeanors, unless specific penalty is otherwise stated hereinasapplicablethereto, shall uponconvictionbe by imprisonmentinjail or workhouse for not more than ninety (90) days or by a fine of not more thanthreehundreddollars($300),orboth.
SECTION 3 - Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission's ordinance numbered36isherebyrevokedasoftheeffectivedatehereof.
SECTION4 - TheaforesaidOrdinancesnumbered6.7, 10,12, 27, 28,31,34,and35as
and to the extent heretofore amended in other particulars and as hereby amended is ratified and confirmed.
SECTION5 - ThisOrdinance,uponfilingofthesamewithproofofduepublicationwith theSecretaryofStateoftheStateofMinnesotashallthereafterbeinfullforceandeffect.
- Wherever in Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission's
Ordinancesnumbered6,7, 10,27,28,31,34,and35thepenaltyforviolationofthesame as a misdemeanor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §360.107, Subd. 17, calls for imprisonment in jail or workhouse for not more than ninety (90) days or by fine of not more than $100.such penaltyforviolation of sakl ordinanceis herebyamended,andviolationof any of said ordinances shall constitute a misdemeanor for which a sentence of not more thanninety(90)daysora fineofnotmorethan$300,orboth.maybeimposed.
MAC Ordinance 39
Adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission on the 20B1day of December, 1971 by eight votes for, no votes against and one absent.
PublishedintheSt.PaulLegalLedger,a legalnewspaperoftheCityofSaintPaulonthe 24thdayofDecember, 1971 .
Published in Finance and Commerce, a legal newspaper of the City of Minneapolis on the 24thdayofDecember. 1971 .
FiledwithproofofpublicationintheofficeoftheSecretaryofStateonthe10thdayof January, 1972.
MAC Ordinance 44
An Ordinance relating to the management and operation of its airports, adopted to pro- mote the public health and welfare; providing for the monitoring and control of both in- coming and outgoing air shipments of potentially radioactive materials and radioactive exposure resulting therefrom; providing for the changes to be made against shippers or recipients of such materials to finance such program; and prescribing the penalties for violation thereof.
WHEREAS, The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission has deter- minedthatthetransportationofradioactivepackagesviaairtransportationcausesallair passenger flight crews and air freight ground personnel to be exposed to the radiation generated by these packages; and
WHEREAS,The DepartmentofTransportationofthe UnitedStatesin promulgatingreg- ulations restrictingthe level of radiationwhichmay be generatedby radfoactivecargos, has recognized the dangers to the public safety of cumulative radiation overexposure, andbytheenactmentofsaidregulationshassoughtto preventsuchoverexposure;and
WHEREAS,Thenumberofradioactivepackagesbeingtransportedbyaircarriersisin- creasing significantly each year, thereby creating an increased level of radiation expo- suretothoseeitherhandlingorproximatetothesepackages;and
WHEREAS,Thereisnocurrentsystemorprogramtocloselymonitortheactualcumula- tiveradiationlevelsineitherthephysicalareasusedforthetransportationofradioactive packages or as absorbed by individuals whose employment necessitates the frequent and recurring handling of radioactive packages; and
WHEREAS, To ensure the present and future health and well-being of air passengers, and employees in the air commerce industry, there is an immediate and pressing need fora systemtomonitorthelevelsofcumulativeradiationcreatedbytheshipmentofra- dioactive packages;
The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission hereby ordains: I. DEFINITIONS
(a) Airport means each public airport operating under the jurisdiction of the Commission.
(b) Commission means the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission.
(c) Director means the Commission's Director of Noise Abatement and Envi- ronment Control, or his office, or such subordinates as he may from time to time designate.
(d) RadioactiveWhiteI,YellowDandYellowm shallcarrythemeaningas- cribedto themby49 C. F. R. §173.399(a).
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MAC Ordinance 44
(e) MonitoringEquipmentshallmeananyand/orallofthefollowing:
(1) Fixedradiationdeviceswhichmeasureeitherthepresentradiation levels or cumulative radiation doses in a physical space or area.
(2) Geiger-Muller Counters, or other similar devices.
(3) Film badges or other indicatorswhich measure cumulative radia- tion doses and are suitable to be worn on the person of those agents handling radioactive materials.
(a) Beforeacceptanceforshipment,eachoutgoingRadioactiveWhiteI, Yellow IIorYellowffl packageshallberegisteredatthefreight-receivingdeskof thecarrierorFreightForwarderreceivingthepackage. EachincomingRa- dioactive White I, Yellow U or Yellow m package shall, when off-loaded from the airplane, be brought immediately by the freight handling personnel to thefreight-receivingdeskofthecarrieron whfchthe packagearrivedand registered.
(b) Registration shall consist of:
(1) A Geiger-MulterCounterexaminationfor RadioactiveYellowII or Yellow HI packages by a person trained to conduct such exami- nation. Suchexaminationshallbeconductedatthepackagesur- face for all Radioactive Yellow II and Yellow m packages and al- so at three (3) feet from the package surface for all Radioactive Yellowm packages. ForallpurposesofthisrequirementtheDi- rector shall train at least one cargo agent for each shift during which cargo is accepted for shipment. The Director shall be re- sponsibleforprovidinga trainingprograminGeigerCounterop- erationinconjunctionwiththeStateBoardofHealthforthosein- dividuals designated to conduct Geiger Counter examinations.
(2) A wipe test to determine external package contamination. Such test may be performed by the Director at such frequency as he in his discretion may determine. If such test is performed and the result indicates surface contamination, a second wipe test shall be performed. If such second test also indicates surface contam- ination the package shall be detained and dealt with according to Section11(d) hereunder.
(3) Thecompletionofa registrationform,containingthefollowingin-
formation, by the agent conducting the Geiger-Muller Counter examination:
The name and address of the Company, organization or individual shipping and receiving a Radioactive White I, YellowIIorYellowIDpackage.
The Transport Index as listed on the package label. 44.doc 2
(C) The surface radiation level of the package as measured during the examination of the package with the Geiger Counter.
(D) Theradiationlevelatthreefeetfromthepackagesurfaceif suchexaminationwasconducted.
(E) The results of the wipe test for external package contami- nation if conducted.
No Radioactive White I, Yellow II or Yellow HI packages shall be accepted for shipment or released to the addressee until all of the above information isrecordedontheregistrationform.
Upon being examined by a Geiger-Muller Counter, any Radioactive Yellow D or Yellow ffl package exceeding the measured level of millirem per hour permitted by49C.F.R.§173.399(2), orasthesamemaybefromtimeto time amended or, after undergoing tests pursuant to Section II(b) (2) here- under which indicate surface contamination shall, in the case of outgoing packages, be refused shipment or, in the case of incoming packages, be detained.Ineithercase,thepersonperformingthetestsshallimmediately notifytheDirectorandtheStateBoardofHealth. TheDirectorshallpermit the StateBoardofHealthto conductwhateverexaminationsortestsofthe packagethattheStateBoardofHealthshalldeemadvisable. Intheevent the State Board of Health determines that the package is not in violation the
Directorshallreleasethepackagefromdetainment. IntheeventtheState
Board of Health determines that the package is in violation, the Director
shall release the package to the State Board of Health and shall notify the
appropriate administration of the Department of Transportation. In the event the State Board of Health makes no determination within a reasona-
bleperiodoftimeorrefusesto acceptpackagesinapparentviolation,the Director shall notify the Federal Aviation Administration and shall release
thepackagefromdetainmenttotheFederalAviattonAdministration. Inthe event neither the State Board or Health nor the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration accepts a package in apparent violation the Director shall, in the case of incoming packages, release it to the addressee, informing him of the apparent violation, and in the case of an ou^oing package, return it to the sender informing him ofthe apparent violation.
Unless the shipper or addressee has been granted a waiver or an exemp- tion or the shipment is made under the supervision of the United States Atomic Energy Commission or the Department of Defense, any Radioactive YellowIIorYellowHIpackagewitha labelexceedingtheTransportIndex permitted by 49 C.F.R. §173.399(a), or as it may be from time to time amended, shall, in the case of outgoing packages, be refused for shipment and,inthecaseofincomingpackages,bedetained. Ineithercase,theDi- rector shall be immediately notified, whereupon the Director shall verify the
accuracyofthemislabelingviolation. Outgoingpackagesdetainedunder thisSectionshallbereturnedtotheshipperforrelabelingandtheFederal AviationAdministratorshallbenotifiedofthefull particularsofthisaction. IncomingpackagesdetainedunderthisSectionshallbereleasedtothe addressee with the consent and concurrence of the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration. \LEOAL\Share<ftOniinancc^Oidmancc 44.doc 3
(f) AllGeigerCounterorotherradioactivitymeasurementsonwhicha package detainment is based shall be corrected to account for the possibility of error inherent in the particular machine or other monitoring device used to per- form the measurement.
(a) The placement and reading of monitoring equipment shall be the respon- sibility of the Director. The Director shall determine appropriate detection devices for monitoring cumulative radiation levels.
(b) Eachfreightworkerwhoseemploymentcauseshimto handleradioactive packages shall wear a film badge or other indicator during all on-duty hours. ItshallbetheresponsibilityoftheDirectortoprovidefilmbadgesor other indicator for each employee required by this Ordinance to wear such monitoring equipment.
(c) The Director shall determine appropriate time intervals for reading all monitoring equipment.
(d) The Director shall be responsible for obtaining accurate readings of alt monitoring equipment and his office shall keep a cumulative record of all such readings of all monitoring equipment at each airport. To accomplish this purpose the Director is authorized to obtain the service of appropriate personspossessingtheradiologicalequipmentandtechnicalqualifications necessaryfortheaccuratereadingofthemonitoringdevices. Allsuch records of readings shall be made available for public inspection at the of- ficeoftheDirectorduringregularofficehours.
Cost for this system shall be recovered in the following manner:
(a) The Director shall determine the total cost of the monitoring system, in- eluding all administrative costs, after installation of the system is complet- ed.
(b) TheDirectorshalldetermineandassesstolocalshippersandreceivers a standard, per package fee sufficient to recover the total costs ofthe moni- taring system.
(c) TheDirectorshallbillthelocalshippersandreceiversatsuchfrequency and in such manner as he shall determine.
(d) FeeschargedbytheDirectorpursuanttothisordinanceshallbepaidby the person, company or organization so charged within a reasonable time.
MAC Ordinance 44
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Violationofanyoftheprovisionsofthisordinanceisa misdemeanorandispun- ishablebya fineofupto$300.00and/orimprisonment ofnotmorethan90days.
Adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission on the 20th dayofMay,1974.
PublishedintheSaintPaulLegalLedger,a legalnewspaperoftheCityofSaintPaul,on the29thdayofMay, 1974.
PublishedinFinanceandCommerce,a legalnewspaperoftheCityofMinneapolis,on the30thdayofMay, 1974.
FiledwithproofofpublicationintheofficeoftheSecretaryofStateonthe7thdayof June, 1974.
MAC Ordinance 44
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Anordinanceto promoteandconservepublicsafety, health,peace,convenienceand welfare relating to the supervision, control, and disposition of personal property lost, misplaced, or abandonedon properties owned or operated under the supervision and control ofthe Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission.
The Minneapolis-SaintPaul MetropolitanAirports Commissiondoesordain: Section I - Definitions
AIRPORTDIRECTOR- Meansthedirectoroftheairportonwhichthelost,mis- placed, or abandoned property is found or his designated representative.
COMMISSION- MeanstheMinneapolis-SaintPaulMetropolitanAirportsCommission. Section II- Ousted of Found Pro e Exce tin Animals and Motor Vehicles.
TheAirportDirectorshallhavecustodyofall lost, misplaced,abandonedpropertylocated onairportpropertyoverwhichsuchAirportDirectorhasadministrative responsibility.
Section III- Care of Found Pro art
A receiptshallbeissuedtoanypersonfindinglost,misplaced,orabandonedpropertyor moneyanddeliveringthesametothecustodyoftheAirportDirector. Suchproperty shallbestoredina safeplaceandsuchmoneydepositedwiththeDirectorofFinance fortheCommissionfora periodofthreemonthsunlessclaimedbythetmeowner. Up- on expiration of the three month period, said property or money shall be subject to dis- posal underthis ordinance as unclaimed property or money.
Section IV- Claims b Owner
During such three month period the Airport Director shall deliver such property or order suchmoneypaidtothetmeownerthereofuponproofofownershipsatisfactorytothe Airport Director, after ten days notice by mail to alt other persons who have asserted a claimofownership. Intheeventownershipcannotbedeterminedtothesatisfactionof theAirportDirector,hemayrefuseto deliversuchpropertyororderthepaymentofsuch moneytoanyoneuntilorderedtodosobythecourt. Insuchcases,heshallholdsuch moneyor propertyduringthe pendancyofanylegalactionsto determinetrue ownership ofthesame,provided,however,thathemaychargea reasonablestoragefeeforstor- age of such property during the pendency of the action.
Section V - Claim b finder
Ifthetrueownerdoesnotclaimthe propertyormoneyduringthethreemonthperiodthe Airport Director may release such unclaimed property or order such unclaimed moneyto be paid to the person who found it, if at the time of delivery to the Airport Director, such finderindicatedinwritingthathewishedtoasserta claimtothepropertyormoneyas a finder.
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SectionVI- TransferofUnclaimedMoniestotheGeneralFund
If any lost, misplaced or abandoned money is not claimed by the true owner or delivered to the finder, the Airport Director shall transfer such money to the general fund of the Commission.
Section VII- Public Sale of Unclaimed Pro ert
Upon the expiration of the three month period, unclaimed property remaining in the pos- session of the Airport Director shall be disposed of as follows:
In the event that the property appears to the Airport Director to have a value oflessthan$100,theAirportDirector,inhisdiscretion,mayappropriateitfor usebytheCommissionor,maysellsuchitemanddelivertheproceedstothe general fund of the Commission.
Intheeventsuchitemappearsto havea valueofmorethan$100,theAirport Director shall notMy the Commission which may, in its discretion, appropriate thesametoitsownuse,orordertheAirportDirectortoholda publicsaleand deliver the proceeds from such sale from the general fund of the Commis- sion. IntheeventthattheCommissionordersapublicsate,theAirportDirec- torshallcausenoticeofsuchsaleto bepublishedatleastoneweekpriorto such pulbic sale in legal newspapers of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, describ- ing therein the articles to be sold and the date, time and place of the sale. Anyunclaimedpropertyofferedforpublicsalebutnotsold,andnotsuitable forappropriationforCommissionuse,shallbedeemedto beofnovalueand shallbedisposedofinsuchmannerastheAirportDirectororders.
Section VIII- Claim b Former Owner After Public Sale
TheformerownerofpropertysoldaccordingtotheprovisionsofSectionVIIaboveshall uponapplicationtotheAirportDirectorwithinsixmonthsofthedateofpublicsaleand upon furnishing satisfactory proof of former ownership, be paid the respective sale pro- ceeds from the general fund ofthe Commission.
SectionIX- Summa Dis osal
The Airport Director may, without notice and in such manner as he determines to be in the public interest, dispose summarily of any property coming into his possession which he determines to be dangerous or perishable. He shall make a record of the pertinent factsofthereceiptanddisposalofsuchproperty. Allpropertyandmoneythatcomes into the possession of the Airport Police Department during the normal course of their duties, whether or not it was abandoned, seized with or without a warrant, lost or mis- placed, shall be handled according to the rules governing the chain of evidence and
placedintothePoliceDepartmentpropertyroomforsafekeeping. Thepropertythatis beingheldasevidencefortrialmayuponthecompletionoftrialbedisposedofbythe ChiefofPolicepursuanttoSectionNo.626.04oftheMinnesotaStatutes. Anyproperty notbeingretainedasevidenceshallbedisposedofaccordingto SectionI throughVIII above, except that no unclaimed property or money shall be given to any member ofthe AirportPoliceDepartmentasa finder
MAC Ordinance45
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MAC Ordinance 45
Adopted at a rescheduled regular Commission meeting 10 March, 1975 by vote of all Commissioners present and voting, there being a quomm present and voting thereon.
Noticeof adoptionof ordinancepublished in the MinneapolisStarandTribune Monday, 24 March, 1975.
FiledwiththeSecretaryofState1 May,1975withAffidavitofPublicationfromtheMin- neapolis StarandTribune.
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MAC Ordinance57
AnOrdinancerelatingtoIntoxicatingliquor; hoursforSundaysaleasrequiredbyMinn. Law.
The Metropolitan Airports Commission sometimes known as the Minneapolis-Saint Paul MetropolitanAirportsCommission, doesordain:
Section 1. Any person, partnership or corporation licensed by the Metropolitan AirportsCommissiontosellintoxicatingliquoronSundaysmaydosobetweenhoursof 10:00 o'clock a. m. and 12:00 o'clock midnight on Sundays in conjunction with the serving of food, provided that the licensee establishment is in conformance with the MinnesotaClean IndoorAirAct.
Section2. ThisOrdinanceshallbeinfullforceandeffectasofAugust1, 1981.