Flying Cloud 2021 Annual Report

Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) is the busiest airport in the MAC’s general aviation system with more than 100,000 takeoffs and landings annually. Located in the vibrant city of Eden Prairie, MN, just 10 miles southwest of Minneapolis, FCM is home base for many corporate jets and four flight schools.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Flying Cloud Airport has experienced steady growth over the last three years, much of it due to an increase
in flight education activity. Eden Prairie is also home to two Fortune 500 companies and many other large employers that regularly use FCM for business travel.
Airfield Improvements
Sometimes seemingly small projects can make a big difference. In the case of FCM, more than 150 runway lights were converted to LEDs in 2021, saving energy and maintenance time.
In-Person Events Return
FCM has long played host to the annual AirExpo. This popular airshow returned in 2021 after taking a hiatus in 2020 drawing 15,000 visitors from all over the city, state and country.
FCM was also the venue for the annual Girls in Aviation Day event that takes place in September every year. This event went virtual in 2020 but returned with in 2021 with more than 1,100 participants in attendance – a record for the event in Minnesota.
MAC staff members were on hand at both these events ensuring everything went without a hitch and sharing information about the MAC and the diversity of responsibilities that can come with an airport job.