Flying Cloud 2021 Annual Report - 2023 Annual Report

Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) has been part of the MAC’s general aviation airport system for more than 75 years, during which time the airport has matured into a bustling and thriving economic generator.
FCM operations increased 11.7% in 2023, with more than 136,000 takeoffs and landings. Businesses appreciate both the proximity to the Twin Cities and the airport’s infrastructure, which promote safety and efficiency. Inflight Aviation acquired the former Elliott Aviation facility, which had been based at Flying Cloud for more than five decades. Inflight is now renovating the six-acre facility, its first fixed-base operation.
FCM infrastructure investments in 2023 included enhancements to the Taxiway H Holding Bay and the construction of a new service road on the south side of the airport.
Community engagement
In July, 6,000 people attended the Wings of the North Air Expo, complete with vintage warbird flyovers, displays of MAC field maintenance equipment and MSP Animal Ambassadors for families to meet.
Flying Cloud also hosted Girls in Aviation Day in September, where attendees met successful women in the aviation profession and explored the roles that science, technology, engineering and math play in aviation.
Preparing for the future
The MAC continued to plan for the airport’s future as part of a long-term planning process. As the airport and its surrounding community experiences growth, this process guides the MAC in making strategic capital investments and improvements and to ensure that FCM continues to fulfill its purpose as a general aviation airport in concert with the values and needs of the community. The MAC hosted a Discover Flying Cloud event in May 2023 to share development concepts with the public.
The MAC will share a draft of the Flying Cloud Long-Term Plan for public comment in 2024, before the plan continues through a formal review process with the Metropolitan Council and the commission.