MSP Runway Use System Overview
The Runway Use System (RUS) prioritizes arrival and departure runways to promote flight activity over less-populated residential areas as much as possible.
Departure Prioritization:
- Runways 12L and 12R (parallel runways) are the first priority for departures since aircraft overfly industrial use areas to the southeast immediately after takeoff from MSP. These runways are used when wind speed and direction promote a south flow at MSP, and when airspace demand is light enough to allow discretion in runway configuration.
- Runway 17 is used to for departures to the south to augment the flow of air traffic using the parallel runways, and when wind speed and direction promote a south flow at MSP.
- Balanced Use of Runway 4-22 occurs when strong north-easterly or south-westerly crosswinds prevent use of the parallel runways, or when an aircraft requires a longer runway for takeoff.
- Runways 30L and 30R (parallel runways) are the lowest priority for departures since aircraft takeoff to the northwest over densely-populated residential areas. These runways are used during peak air traffic periods and/or when flight factors promote a north flow at MSP.
Arrival Prioritization:
- Runways 30L and 30R (parallel runways) are the first priority for arrivals since aircraft approach MSP from the southeast over industrial use areas. These runways are used when flight factors promote a north flow at MSP and during peak air traffic periods.
- Runway 35 is used for arrivals from the south when wind speed and direction promote a north flow at MSP and during peak air traffic periods to augment the use of the parallel runways.
- Balanced Use of Runway 4-22 occurs when strong north-easterly or south-westerly crosswinds prevent use of the parallel runways, or when an aircraft requires a longer runway for landing.
- Runways 12L and 12R are the lowest priority for arrivals from the northwest since aircraft approach MSP over densely-populated residential areas. These runways are used when wind speed and direction promote a south flow at MSP.
North Flow

Straight North Flow

South Flow

Straight South Flow

Mixed Flow A

Mixed Flow B

Opposite Flow