2019 Yearend Reflections

2019 Yearend Reflections

December 31, 2019

As the year 2019 concludes and 2020 begins, the MAC Community Relations Office reflects on the collaborative efforts throughout this past year that facilitated progress. This article shares some of the 2019 highlights.

Early in the year, the MAC created a Stakeholder Engagement Department that included the newly formed Community Relations Office, replacing the former MAC Noise Program Office. The organizational changes created new leadership opportunities during the year for Dana Nelson who became the Director of Stakeholder Engagement; Brad Juffer who serves as the Manager of Community Relations; and Michele Ross, the new Assistant Manager of Community Relations.

A key role of Community Relations staff is to connect and communicate with people who rely on the MAC system of seven airports as customers, pilots, business leaders, community members, and/or service providers. Much of the interaction takes place through collaborative forums such as the MSP Noise Oversight CommitteeMSP Listening SessionsFlying Cloud Airport Advisory CommissionSt. Paul Downtown Airport Advisory CouncilAnoka-County Airport Advisory Commission, and more. During 2019, we participated in more than 30 such forums and events that were attended by more than 1,600 people. 

Input received through these collaborative forums can develop into MAC-sponsored projects and studies. For example in 2019, we conducted two mobile noise monitoring studies: a study in Eagan based on a request from the MSP Noise Oversight Committee; and the annual STP Noise Study in St. Paul in coordination with the St. Paul Downtown Airport Advisory Council. We also prepared the MSP Runway 17 Departure Operations analysis, which was requested by the MSP Noise Oversight Committee to review activity on Runway 17.

Also throughout 2019, we communicated with thousands of people about their questions and concerns related to aircraft noise and aircraft operations at all seven MAC-owned airports. With those interactions in mind, enhancements were made to the MAC FlightTracker webtool that now allow aircraft noise complaints to be submitted directly through that tool. 

You can access the MAC FlightTracker, monthly aircraft operations data, and other reports on the MAC Community Relations Tools & Reports webpage. We also encourage you to participate in upcoming meetings posted on the Community Relations calendar.

We look forward to continued collaborative work in 2020. Happy New Year!