COVID-19 Vaccination Sites Combined in Central Location at MSP

New Vaccine Clinic Offers Easy Parking and Connections to Public Transportation
The Minnesota Department of Health and the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) have consolidated two COVID-19 vaccination sites at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) to a single pre-security location that is more accessible to the public.
The new COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic opened today at Terminal 1 between the Blue and Red parking ramps, on Level 1. It’s conveniently sited one level below the state’s COVID-19 testing site that many have already visited.
“MSP Airport has been a very convenient option for many Minnesotans, and we are thankful to our airport partners for helping make this an ongoing option for vaccinations,” Minnesota Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm said. “We are all pleased to see case rates dropping, but we know how important it is to be prepared for future surges. We are committed to continuing to make sure Minnesotans have the tools they need to keep themselves, their families and their communities safe.”
MSP has provided two sites for the state’s vaccination program since June 2021: in Terminal 1 (post-security) and Terminal 2 (pre-security). Nearly 5,400 people were vaccinated at MSP in 2021. The new more centrally located vaccine clinic will continue to offer both the Johnson & Johnson and Moderna vaccines for those over the age of 18.
Those interested in getting the free vaccinations or booster shots are encouraged to schedule an appointment. The site is open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
To get to the Terminal 1 vaccination site, follow the signs to the Blue and Red parking ramps and enter the lanes on the far left designated for the MSP COVID-19 testing site. There is no charge for parking up to one hour. Once you enter the building, follow the signs and take an escalator or elevator down one level. The location is also accessible via light rail and bus lines.