The MAC Opens 60-Day Public Comment Period for MSP Long-Term Plan

Proposed Plan Accommodates Forecasted Demand Through 2040
The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) has opened a 60-day public comment period for its draft 2040 Long-Term Plan for Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP). Commissioners voted Tuesday to formally post the plan and invite the public to review and submit comments on the draft through Aug. 21.
The MSP long-term plan incorporates comprehensive research on passenger and aircraft trends along with current airport infrastructure capabilities. It also reflects feedback and input gathered through extensive stakeholder and public engagement to determine facility needs through 2040. The Federal Aviation Administration asks airports to update their planning documents every seven to 10 years, which also aligns with the Metropolitan Council’s guidelines for airport planning.
“MSP’s long-term plan is an important tool to help us prepare for future growth in passengers and air service demand,” said Brian Ryks, CEO of the MAC. “Throughout the process, the MAC has remained focused on furthering our award-winning passenger experience while sustaining the highest operational standards in service of travelers and stakeholders.”
The draft plan includes projects to improve MSP’s terminals, parking facilities and airfield. It incorporates 12 net new gates between Terminals 1 and 2 to accommodate forecasted growth, outlines opportunities to relieve curbside congestion, and recommends reconstructing parking facilities that are reaching the end of their useful life. The plan also includes enhancements to airfield taxiways. No new runways or runway extensions are proposed.
While the draft plan outlines potential airport projects, it does not authorize construction. The MAC will follow the required environmental review process and vote on separate budget actions to formally approve specific projects identified in the plan.
Staff will present the draft long-term plan at its final public Experience MSP event on July 11, 2023, at the Sabathani Community Center in Minneapolis, MN 55409. The event runs from 4:30-8:30 p.m.
The draft MSP 2040 Long-Term Plan is available at with additional information about the planning process and a link to submit public comments. Written comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. CDT on Monday, Aug. 21.