Meet the Community Relations Team

Meet the Community Relations Team

May 01, 2020

Our office has changed a bit over the last year and we wanted to take this opportunity to share more about our team! 

Name: Brad Juffer
Role: Manager
Resident City: Eagan

Brad has spent the past 16 years working for airports in Appleton, WI, Portland, ME, Madison, WI and now at the MAC after completing a degree in Airport Management from the University of North Dakota. 

When asked what he enjoys most about working for the MAC he said “The MAC has skilled experts in every area of the management of our airports. I appreciate working alongside these talented and dedicated people and enjoy contributing to our world class airport system.”

Brad spends his free time with his wife raising three young kids and a dog and watching and playing sports.


Name: Michele Ross
Role: Assistant Manager
Resident City: Minneapolis

Michele was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, but she has lived in Minnesota for over twenty years and currently lives with her family in Minneapolis. Michele comes to the MAC with 18 years of experience in environmental review, environmental public health, and community outreach and engagement. 

One of Michele’s favorite things about her current role is meeting and working with members of communities around our airports. 

When not working she can be found either hiking in one of our amazing state parks or watching Netflix – two seemingly dichotomous activities she enjoys equally. While new to aviation, she has been a space aviation enthusiast since childhood. 


Name: Jennifer Lewis
Role: Community Relations Coordinator
Resident City: Richfield

Jennifer knew early in life that she wanted to fly airplanes, so she earned her commercial pilot license and instrument rating through the University of North Dakota, which is also where she began her airport career. Jennifer’s career grew from there and spanned across numerous airports in California, then one in Arizona before she landed her current role at the MAC. Her education includes an Associate’s Degree of Computer Information Management, Bachelors Degree of Aeronautical Studies with minors in Aviation Administration and Communications, and Master’s Degree of Business Administration.

Jennifer loves helping people understand aviation. She can often be found sharing information with communities about the MAC system of airports and how that system functions as a transportation asset for this region.

She loves most aspects of nature and spends as much time as possible outside gardening, hiking, camping, and animal-watching. Her other interests include studying various science topics, admiring creative and performing arts, target shooting, and cooking.


Name: Derek Anderson
Role: Acoustics and Data Analysis Coordinator
Resident City: Lakeville

Growing up as a child of an airline employee and having friends that were pilots, Derek has always loved all things airplane related. He jokes that he is a million-mile flyer without any loyalty points.

Derek has more than 30 years of experience in sound and vibration, data sciences, and information technology while working with startups, Fortune 100 companies and governments making him ideal in his role at the MAC.  Derek originally started his education in Public Relations Marketing which aligns well with the work of the Community Relations Office.

Managing one of the largest aviation data acquisition systems in existence allows Derek to use many of his acquired skills and work with many talented people.

Derek lives close to one of the MAC’s reliever airports and spends his free time with wife, son, and two cats.