NOC March Meeting and Spring Listening Session Cancelled

NOC March Meeting and Spring Listening Session Cancelled

March 27, 2020

Based on Governor Walz’s executive order directing most Minnesotans to stay at home except to meet essential needs, the previously postponed March meeting of the MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) and the April Spring Listening Session will be cancelled.


In the absence of the March NOC meeting, this message is designed to provide key information that would otherwise have been discussed in person. Additional information about the topics covered remains available in the Agenda Packet for the now canceled meeting.


The next NOC meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2020.


Review of Monthly Operations Reports: January and February 2020


Aircraft operational and complaint data from January (link is external)and February (link is external)2020 are available at the provided links and on the interactive reports website, is external). A summary of the January and February operations reports will not be provided at the next NOC meeting but staff will be available to answer questions.


2019 Annual Noise Contour Report and Residential Noise Mitigation Program Eligibility

The annual aircraft noise analysis results show an overall decrease in aircraft noise exposure from flight activity at MSP in 2019. The decrease is a result of fewer flights, a reduction in nighttime flight activity, and quieter aircraft. The analysis is available in the MSP 2019 Annual Noise Contour Analysis Report. A summary of the report will be provided at the next NOC meeting. This will not result in any change to the timeline for eligible homeowners to participate in the mitigation program. 


Eagan Request to the FAA

MAC staff will conduct further analysis of the two procedure adjustment requests (request #1 and #4) determined to have merit per the FAA’s letter dated February 14, 2020. Staff will model the procedures using the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) and will report the results at the next NOC meeting.  


MSP Complaint Data Assessment

The MSP Complaint Data Assessment provides information about complaints and households filing complaints from 2017 through 2019. The assessment, which was on the NOC’s 2020 Work Plan, compares the number of complaints in relation to airport flow, temperature, weather, time of day, and type of aircraft. It also compares the number of households filing complaints based on city, noise contour band, and home purchase date.


MSP 2040 Long Term Plan Stakeholder Engagement Update

An update on the MSP Long Term Plan will be provided at a future NOC meeting. Additional information is also available at is external).


Minnetonka Mobile Noise Monitoring Study Plan

Given that the number of aircraft operations has decreased in recent weeks, the Minnetonka Mobile Noise Monitoring Study will be postponed. This item will be moved to a future NOC meeting.

MAC Community Relations staff remain dedicated to answering your questions and providing information to the community. “We are still logging aircraft noise complaints, replying to questions and working with our airport and community partners,” said Brad Juffer, Community Relations Manager. Staff can be reached by phone at 612-726-9411, or by completing and sending us your comments or questions using the website Contact Us form.

Thank you for your understanding. The MAC is working aggressively to help keep the traveling public, employees and all its stakeholders safe from the COVID-19 virus.