Usual Nighttime Runway Use Continues at MSP

Usual Nighttime Runway Use Continues at MSP

July 25, 2019

Maintenance and construction crews are continuing work at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) during the nighttime hours this week. Crews have been performing work that requires temporary closure of MSP's primary-use parallel runways (12L/30R and 12R/30L) and the crosswind runway (4/22). This means FAA Air Traffic Controllers will direct all aircraft arriving and departing at MSP between 11 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. to use Runway 17/35, which is the only remaining available runway at MSP in this case.

Aircraft operating to and from MSP Runway 17/35 will use established flight paths and procedures that have been in place for that runway since 2005. Wind conditions will determine the direction that aircraft approach or depart from this runway. Typically, northerly or westerly winds mean aircraft will depart to the north into the wind on Runway 35 and arrivals will land from the south. Southerly or easterly winds generally mean departures will use Runway 17 and fly over areas to the south of MSP with arrivals landing from the north.

On average, fewer than 40 flights arrive or depart at MSP each night between 11 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.