St. Paul Downtown 2021 Annual Report

Located along the Mississippi River and just south of downtown Saint Paul, the St. Paul Downtown Airport engenders a vibrancy all its own. A popular base for corporate aircraft due to its location and for having the longest runway – 6,941 feet – in the MAC general aviation airport system, the airport also offers charter services, has two fixed-base operators and is home to a five-star rated restaurant.
Aircraft Operations
In 2021, STP experienced a resurgence with an almost 30 percent increase in operations over a very difficult 2020, when the airport saw a 26 percent decline in operations due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the increase can be attributed to a rebound in private corporate activity after travel restrictions began loosening in 2021.
Bike and Pedestrian Path
On July 28, 2021, St. Paul Downtown Airport joined representatives from the City of Saint Paul and Dakota County to celebrate the completion of the new Robert Piram Regional Trail, a 3.7-mile paved trail that bisects airport land on its west side. The trail connects Harriet Island in Saint Paul with Kaposia Landing Park in South St. Paul. It also provides a safe route for pedestrians and bicyclists along the Mississippi River and access to an extended network of trails and regional greenways.
This project is an excellent example of how the MAC’s general aviation airports seek out opportunities to be a part of the communities in which they are located.
Holman’s Table
The airport’s popular, aviation-themed restaurant continues to impress. And with in-person gatherings returning across many sectors of the economy, the restaurant reopened its private event space in February 2021.