St. Paul Downtown Airport - 2023 Annual Report
Located along the Mississippi River just south of downtown St. Paul, the St. Paul Downtown Airport (STP) generates a vibrancy all its own. The airport is a popular base for corporate aircraft due to its location and for having the longest runway – 6,491 feet – in the MAC’s general aviation airport system. It also offers charter services, two fixed-base operators, a U.S. Customs facility and the popular Holman’s Table restaurant. STP saw an 8.2% decrease in operations in 2023 with more than 38,000 takeoffs and landings.
Activating the flood wall
Near-record snowfall in the winter of 2022-23 led to spring flooding along the Mississippi River. In response, the MAC installed a portion of its two-thirds mile metal plank floodwall system along the east end of the airfield as the river reached flood stage. This was the seventh deployment of the system since it was developed in 2008.
Learning Jet
In 2023, the Learning Jet resumed offering youth programming and field trips for K-12 students after pausing activities during the pandemic. The unique program transformed a Boeing 727-200 cargo jet into a classroom, providing hands-on STEM activities that introduce students to the aviation industry.
STP infrastructure enhancements in 2023 included a Taxiway D edge light project, which focused on complete rehabilitation to include new light fixtures, bases and wires. In addition, a vehicle gate was replaced and Taxiway C was crack sealed.