MSP NOC Sept 2023 Meeting Update
The latest Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting was held last week on September 20.
At this meeting, the NOC took action to establish an Area Navigation (RNAV) Procedure Review Sub-Committee in a manner consistent with the NOC bylaws. The sub-committee will review the proposed RNAV procedures and any associated changes to the noise environment around MSP as a result of the procedures. The sub-committee will also review communication and community engagement activities related to informing the public regarding the procedures. The sub-committee is comprised of three NOC user representatives and three NOC community representatives. It will remain effective until new procedures have been implemented at MSP or until December 31, 2025, whichever is later.
Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provided several informative updates regarding MSP. First, the FAA provided an update on Converging Runway Operations (CRO). The MSP CRO procedures require testing and validation before finalization. Testing began last June and will continue through March of next year. Air traffic controllers will test these procedures when winds allow for a North Flow airport configuration with moderately clear weather conditions. More information regarding CRO procedures is available in the May NOC Meeting Update article.
The FAA also provided an update on the decommissioning of MSP’s Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR), a navigation technology that is being replaced across the nation by GPS-based navigation systems. When the MSP VOR navigation equipment is decommissioned in 2025, the conventional departure procedures based on the system will be cancelled and replaced with new, GPS-based RNAV departure procedures. The FAA provided an update on the development of the procedures and the proposed engagement activities. Following preliminary design completion, the FAA will conduct community engagement and environmental review processes before the new procedures are finalized.
The NOC also reviewed a draft of the 2024 Work Plan and an update on the Summer Listening Session.
The NOC is an advisory board to the MAC and is comprised of industry and community representatives who address aircraft noise issues associated with activity at MSP. The group typically meets on the third Wednesday of odd-numbered months. The next NOC meeting will be held in November. Agendas and meeting materials for NOC meetings and information on how to participate may be found here: NOC Meetings