MAC 2023 Annual Report

A message from our Chair and CEO
We are pleased to present the Metropolitan Airports Commission’s 2023 Annual Report. We hope you find the information in this report useful and that it gives you a sense of where we’ve been and, perhaps more important, where we’re going.

Celebrating 80 years of reaching new heights
2023 marked the 80th anniversary of the MAC. Looking back at the MAC’s origins, the hope was that the airport would become a gateway to the world and bring economic development to the Twin Cities region.

Progress toward a thriving Minnesota
2023 marked the first year of implementing the MAC’s new five-year strategic plan. This plan provides a framework to inspire and guide the MAC workforce, prioritize initiatives, and achieve new levels of excellence together. For the first time, the MAC adopted a purpose statement: To provide exceptional airport experiences so Minnesota thrives.

Innovating and improving the travel experience at MSP
Guided by its purpose to provide exceptional airport experiences, the MAC has invested significantly in innovative technology and infrastructure upgrades to continuously improve the experience at MSP Airport.

Advancing sustainability
The MAC is committed to a sustainable future, setting goals and creating organizational structures reflecting its commitment to sustainability.

Community connections
Building connections between the MAC and the communities it serves is critical to the organization’s ability to provide exceptional airport experiences so Minnesota thrives.

General aviation airports
The MAC’s network of six general aviation airports experienced an 8.3% increase in operations in 2023, supported by the MAC’s focused, long-term development strategy. In the past five years, the MAC invested more than $50 million in safety and modernization projects that included pavement rehabilitation, new lighting, improved navigation aids, and runway upgrades at Crystal and Lake Elmo airports.

About the MAC
The Minnesota Legislature created the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) in 1943 to promote the efficient, safe handling of air commerce and to develop the full potential of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area as an aviation center.

This appendix is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 473.621. It presents MSP passenger and aircraft operations activity, current airport capacity in terms of operations and passenger enplanements, average length of delay statistics, and technological developments affecting aviation and their effect on operations and capacity at the airport. This appendix also includes the number of operations and based aircraft at each of the MAC’s general aviation airports in 2023 compared with 2022.

MSP named best airport in its class
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport has once again earned top honors in the Airports Council International Airport Service Quality program, which surveys customers at airports around the world.